Serial and openHAB - Warnings in Log

  • Hi

    I have finally got the serial gateway talking to openHAB after many hours of tinkering and reading topic after topic here.

    Couple of questions;

    Only have 1 temp/hum sensor setup right now as my initial test sensor and have data reporting to openhab ok, i defined node id as 2 in the sensor sketch and yet i am getting these warnings in log?

    2018-08-07 16:26:24.141 [WARN ] [.discovery.MySensorsDiscoveryService] - Cannot automatic discover thing node: 2, child: 255 please insert it manually
    2018-08-07 16:26:24.207 [WARN ] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Presented child is alredy present in gateway
    2018-08-07 16:26:24.212 [WARN ] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Presented child is alredy present in gateway

    As its working, i am tempting to ignore this, but warnings are warnings. What do i need to fix?

    Also is there a way to show sensor as "offline" if its powered down etc. As i notice if i unplug the power to sensor even an hour later my openHAB still shows sensor as online and reports data, which is of course now wrong an an hour out of date. Ideally id prefer id told me if it was offline for whatever reason?


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