@Amput said in Easy/Newbie PCB for MySensors:
Could anyone explain me, why position (polarity) of condensers 4.7uF on REV 8(blue) and REV 9 (red) are different?
It's a bug in v8 fixed in v9, so v9 is correct, see link this post
@Amput said in Easy/Newbie PCB for MySensors:
Could anyone explain me, why position (polarity) of condensers 4.7uF on REV 8(blue) and REV 9 (red) are different?
It's a bug in v8 fixed in v9, so v9 is correct, see link this post
What about to use PTFE (teflon) tape to protect the sensor board, see this project. It seems, characteristics of the material (PTFE) enables it to use it for this purpose, it is mentioned also link text here
@Matt said:
Hey I recently got a batch of ten pro 3.3v pro minis from ebay, I removed vreg + LED on two of them and they no longer work... Well, I cant upload.
Did you try to use side pins for Vcc/Gnd connections from usb-ttl adapter? It is known for some clones that Vcc/Gnd pins on programming header do not work after regulator and led are removed and side pins must be used for uploading sketch...
I just tested with board esp8266 library downgraded to 2.7.4 and unmodified GatewayESP8266 from Mysensors 2.3.2 examples and compilation finished OK without errors. Maybe try to remove/install board library.
@GaryStofer said in Error sending switch command, check device/hardware !:
I cant change the Controller to anything else , not that I think is controller related -- The customer is happy with Domo and has many man hours invested in scripts and interfacing.
Sure, I'm happy with Domoticz too it wasn't me suggesting you to move to other controller. I suggested just to keep Domoticz, just upgrade it new version
. But I can understand the upgrade may be difficult, if customer has developed many stuff around currently installed version and most of them is working fine...
need to be used without brackets (see this post) :
Do not modify MyConfig.h. Put it into the sketch for your node (somewhere before line: #include <MySensors.h>).
@GaryStofer said in Error sending switch command, check device/hardware !:
@Elfnoir @hek I see this old issue is still with us in MySensor 2.3.2 / Domoticz 4.10717.
What kind of gateway do you use? Just to be sure, did you upgrade gateway node to Mysensors 2.3.2 and not just sensor nodes? BTW, Domoticz 4.10717 is quite old version (from 2019/05). I would consider about updating to the latest 2023.1.
I will answer myself after some testing done today:
How can I change network id for gateway (mysgw)?
It is possible to change MY_RFM69_NETWORKID for mysgw by exporting CPPFLAGS variable with the option set before running ./configure:
./configure --my-gateway=serial --my-transport=rfm69 --my-rfm69-frequency=868 --my-is-rfm69hw --my-serial-is-pty --my-serial-port=/dev/ttyUSB-MysGW --my-serial-groupname=dialout
Is it possible to create another RFM69 network on new hardware, just for the test, while my current RFM69 network keeps running on current gateway/controller?
As soon as I started another RFM69 gateway (mysgw) on new hw, even with different network id (101), most of the sensors connected to my other (production) gateway running on old hw with default network id (100) stopped communicating... so it seems it is not possible to run multiple RFM69 gateways in the same range (on the same freq).
I have been running Domoticz controller with MySensors gateway (RPI with RFM69 radio connected on GPIO and mysgw) successfully for years. Now it is time to swap to new hardware (Odroid M1). I want to test RFM69 radio connected on GPIO + mysgw on new hardware prior to boxswap.
Is it possible to create another RFM69 network on new hardware, just for the test, while my current RFM69 network keeps running on current gateway/controller?
There is no such option for RFM69 to define other channel like i.e. it is possible for RF24 but I found, I can define different MY_RFM69_NETWORKID. How can I change network id for gateway (mysgw)? Do I have to change MY_RFM69_NETWORKID in MyConfig.h before compiling mysgw? (I know for arduino sensor nodes it is possible to change network id in sketch).
@Dbagioni Maybe you did not map the device file (/dev/ttyUSB0) to the container, check this:
@sundberg84 - ok thanks, it makes sense ;). I was asking because I connected your Dimmable Led Strip daughterboard via MysX to this Easy PCB. Dimmer daughterboard is providing 5V on PIN3 (when LM2940CT voltage regulator is used on it). This would bring 5V to output of voltage regulator on Easy PCB so I disconnected PIN3 connection between dimmer daughterboard and Easy PCB. I connected PIN3 from dimmer board by wire to >3.3V power input of Easy PCB instead. Other option I'm thinking of would be not using voltage regulator on dimmer daughterboard at all but use its 12V raw voltage provided by dimmer board via MysX PIN1 (+ raw jumper on Easy PSB) and use voltage regulator (LE33) on Easy PCB only.
Hi @sundberg84, on Easy/Newbie PCB rfm69 version PIN3 of MysX connector is connected to 3.3V resp. to the output from voltage regulator. When I compare with Easy/Newbie PCB nrf24l01 version, MysX PIN3 is connected to input of voltage regulator (to 5V). Is this a mistake in design of Easy/PCB rfm69 version?
@Pete357 said in Safe In-Wall AC to DC Transformers??:
Please can somebody more experienced with HLKs recommend really reliable source where to buy the right modules?
To be sure you get genuine module buy it directly from the vendor: