@bjacobse There is no point to measure it, he needs to put the energy in fixing the wall, permanently
Posts made by 8667
RE: How can I monitor the humidity of a wall (house)
RE: LAN connected MQTT nodes
@carywin Yes I know. I had my own "firmware" for few years but I want to use something mainstream that will be easier to maintain (by someone else
RE: LAN connected MQTT nodes
@mfalkvidd I was talking about MY_NODE_ID As each device will be a gateway with onboard sensors only they all have I think 1 as ID by default and that can not be changed.
MY_MQTT_CLIENT_ID is different as I create different MQTT user/pass for each device
For 2. I created a fake sensor that I update with 1 each minute.
present(99, V_VAR1, "Status");
Then at the software side (NodeRED) I create additional logic to find out if the device is dead.
RE: LAN connected MQTT nodes
@mfalkvidd Yes I settled for different MY_MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC_PREFIX. per device. but the Client_ID can not be defined for gateway...but that is not a problem now
RE: LAN connected MQTT nodes
- I found that I can check like this
if (_MQTT_client.connected())
RE: 💬 Sensebender Gateway
Is it possible to use the sensebender board as MQTT gateway? Not Ethernet?
LAN connected MQTT nodes
I try to rebuild my custom Arduino nodes with MySensors platform. Need some input as I can not recreate all functions I need.
I have 3 Arduino/ethernet boxes. By removing radio definitions I can make them act as individual gateways with their own root MQTT topic. In essence, they will have 6 digital inputs and 8 outputs/relays (will see how many pins are free at the end).
I selected different MQTT topics for each gateway as they all have NODE_ID 0 (hardcoded by MySensors). How to control/differentiate if all 3 post to the same topic? By sensor ID?
There is no support for MQTT Last Will in MySensors from what I searched... that is a pity. I will probably invent phantom sensor as a heartbeat that will contain a random value, then inspect that on a higher level (NodeRED most likely)
Is there a way to know the MQTT status from inside the node? For example, if my node/gateway loose Ethernet or the MQTT broker is down I want to set relays to a safe state.
Is there a watchdog implemented in the Arduino code by default? I know that Arduino can reset itself if stuck for longer then 8 secs (not getting confirmation message).
RE: Best hardware for gateway with encryption and signing
@anticimex I was no talking about the hardware specs, but about the limitations you have with each choice of hardware as mysensor gateway
RE: Best hardware for gateway with encryption and signing
@anticimex said in Best hardware for gateway with encryption and signing:
SenseBender gateway
There should be a table with all the features of each gateway so people can choose easily.
RE: 💬 Sensebender Gateway
I am looking for Gateway that will get me the results to MQTT but will support encryption + signing. That mean it should be easy to add new signatures (recompile/reflash) the module
I suppose if I use Sensebender with LAN module it will be a pain to do that
Is this doable if I use Orange zero as USB host for the Sensbender and let it act as serial gateway, then convert serial to mqtt with software on the Linux side? Also is it possible to reflash it easily this way? I do not want to rewire the hardware each time a add new node.
RE: Best hardware for gateway with encryption and signing
Well, I avoided the MEGA board as it requires USB connection with PC to recompile when whitelisting new nodes. I have RPi3 close to it, if I can recompile the MEGA from the PI without physical intervention (changing cables/ removing LAN module) then I might try that way...but anyone with such setup?
Best hardware for gateway with encryption and signing
I really like the MySensors concept and was experimenting with it for some time using Arduino UNOs as Gateway and nodes. Then I wanted signing and encryption and UNO was too lite for it. Then I went or Orange Zero as it will provide me option to use SSH for including new signatures and easy recompile. I also prefer MQTT.
Now I am stuck. I can not make signing nor encryption to work on the Orange. Is it really supported? I found an old post that for Raspberry it is not available yet.
Does Sensebender will do it? Will MQTT work with Ethernet shield?
RE: 💬 Building a Orange Pi Gateway
Had anyone succeeded using signing+encryption on OrangePi MQTT gateway? I managed to make Arduino gateway and it worked but I can not replicate the same thing with Pi. What file should be edited to enter the keys? and the whitelist?
RE: 💬 Building a Orange Pi Gateway
NOTE for Armbian and Orange Pi Zero.
Set static IP address or the device will lose connection on next DHCP request. I use only the LAN and was having problems for few days.
Ethernet node? Gateway with local sensors only?
Before using wireless technology in my automation system I was building MQTT Arduino nodes with Ethernet.
I like MySensors as a platform and want to unify the code I have on my nodes so I am considering reflashing those (3 at the moment) Arduinos and use MySensors.
What I have in mind is having more Arduino gateways without antennas that will have own mqtt topic and have sensors attached directly in them. I do not know how much work it will be to remove the code for chechking the NRF module at startup.
The other option is to have code of a node but I will need to add mqtt client code so it might be a lot of work to go that route.
Has anyone considered something like this? Standalone node/gateway with local sensors only with own Ethernet module for MQTT communication?
RE: 💬 Building a Orange Pi Gateway
This should be in the wiki
root@pi0:~/MySensors# ./configure --help configure script for MySensors gateway. Options: Help: -h, --help print this message SPI driver options: --spi-driver=[BCM|SPIDEV] --spi-spidev-device=<DEVICE> Device path. [/dev/spidev0.0] Building options: --soc=[BCM2835|BCM2836|BCM2837|AM33XX|A10|A13|A20|H3] SoC type to be used. [configure autodetected] --cpu-flags=<CPUFLAGS> CPU defining/optimizing flags to be used. [configure autodetected] --extra-cflags=<CFLAGS> Extra C flags passed to C compilation. [] --extra-cxxflags=<CXXFLAGS> Extra C++ flags passed to C++ compilation. [] --extra-ldflags=<LDFLAGS> Extra C flags passed to linking. [] --c_compiler=<CC> C compiler. [arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc][gcc] --cxx_compiler=<CXX> C++ compiler. [arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++][g++] --build-dir=<DIR> Compiler directory to store object files. [build] --bin-dir=<DIR> Compiler directory to store binary files. [bin] --arduino-lib-dir=<DIR> Arduino library directory. --no-clean Don't clean previous build artifacts. Installation options: --prefix=<PREFIX> Installation prefix path. [/usr/local] --gateway-dir=<DIR> Gateway files installation directory. [PREFIX/bin] MySensors options: --my-debug=[enable|disable] Enables or disables MySensors core debugging. [enable] --my-config-file=<FILE> Config file path. [/etc/mysensors.dat] --my-gateway=[none|ethernet|serial|mqtt] Set the protocol used to communicate with the controller. [ethernet] --my-node-id=<ID> Disable gateway feature and run as a node with the specified id. --my-controller-url-address=<URL> Controller or MQTT broker url. --my-controller-ip-address=<IP> Controller or MQTT broker ip. --my-port=<PORT> The port to keep open on gateway mode. If gateway is set to mqtt, it sets the broker port. --my-serial-port=<PORT> Serial port. [/dev/ttyACM0] --my-serial-baudrate=<BAUD> Serial baud rate. [115200] --my-serial-is-pty Set the serial port to be a pseudo terminal. Use this if you want to connect to a controller running on the same device. --my-serial-pty=<NAME> Symlink name for the PTY device. [/dev/ttyMySensorsGateway] --my-serial-groupname=<GROUP> Grant access to the specified system group for the serial device. --my-mqtt-client-id=<ID> MQTT client id. --my-mqtt-user=<UID> MQTT user id. --my-mqtt-password=<PASS> MQTT password. --my-mqtt-publish-topic-prefix=<PREFIX> MQTT publish topic prefix. --my-mqtt-subscribe-topic-prefix=<PREFIX> MQTT subscribe topic prefix. --my-transport=[none|nrf24|rs485|rfm95|rfm69] Set the transport to be used to communicate with other nodes. [nrf24] --my-rf24-channel=<0-125> RF channel for the sensor net. [76] --my-rf24-pa-level=[RF24_PA_MAX|RF24_PA_LOW] RF24 PA level. [RF24_PA_MAX] --my-rf24-ce-pin=<PIN> Pin number to use for rf24 Chip-Enable. --my-rf24-cs-pin=<PIN> Pin number to use for rf24 Chip-Select. --my-rf24-irq-pin=<PIN> Pin number connected to nRF24L01 IRQ pin. --my-rf24-encryption-enabled Enables RF24 encryption. All nodes and gateway must have this enabled, and all must be personalized with the same AES key --my-rx-message-buffer-size=<SIZE> Buffer size for incoming messages when using rf24 interrupts. [20] --my-rfm69-frequency=[315|433|868|915] RFM69 Module Frequency. [868] --my-is-rfm69hw Enable high-powered rfm69hw. --my-rfm69-irq-pin=<PIN> Pin number connected to RFM69 IRQ pin. --my-rfm69-cs-pin=<PIN> Pin number to use for RFM69 Chip-Select. --my-rs485-serial-port=<PORT> RS485 serial port. You must provide a port. --my-rs485-baudrate=<BAUD> RS485 baudrate. [9600] --my-rs485-de-pin=<PIN> Pin number connected to RS485 driver enable pin. --my-rs485-max-msg-length=<LENGTH> The maximum message length used for RS485. [40] --my-leds-err-pin=<PIN> Error LED pin. --my-leds-rx-pin=<PIN> Receive LED pin. --my-leds-tx-pin=<PIN> Transmit LED pin. --my-leds-blinking-inverse Inverse the blinking feature. --my-signing=[none|software|password] Message signing. [none] --my-signing-debug Enable signing related debug. --my-signing-request-signatures Enable signature request from nodes that in turn requested gateway signature. --my-signing-weak_security Enable this to permit downgrade of security preferences and relaxed gateway signing requirements. --my-signing-password=<PASSWORD> If you are using password as the signature type, set your password here.
root@pi0:~/MySensors# sudo ./bin/mysgw -h mysgw: Config file /etc/mysensors.dat does not exist, creating new config file. Usage: mysgw [options] Options: -h, --help Display a short summary of all program options. -d, --debug Enable debug. -b, --background Run as a background process. --gen-soft-hmac-key Generate and print a soft hmac key. --gen-soft-serial-key Generate and print a soft serial key. --gen-aes-key Generate and print an aes encryption key. --print-soft-hmac-key Print the soft hmac key from the config file. --print-soft-serial-key Print the soft serial key from the config file. --print-aes-key Print the aes encryption key from the config file. --set-soft-hmac-key Write a soft hmac key to the config file. --set-soft-serial-key Write a soft serial key to the config file. --set-aes-key Write an aes encryption key to the config file.
RE: 💬 Building a Orange Pi Gateway
@Anticimex said in
Building a Orange Pi Gateway:
@8667 no, it won't. As it is for the moment, whitelisting works no different compared to Arduino based devices. You will have to recompile your GW if you add new nodes as you will need to add their serials to the whitelist in the GW.
So how personalization works on the orange and how to pass the list of serials?
RE: 💬 Building a Orange Pi Gateway
I got the OrangeZero and was building the configuration command... can someone provide me more detailed instructions about using higher security?
- Is it possible to use SSL for the connecting to the broker?
- How whitelisting works with Pi? I moved away of Arduino as I do not want to recompile it everytime I need to include new node. So far I have
-my-signing-request-signatures --my-signing-debug --my-signing=password --my-signing-password=SOMETHING --my-rf24-encryption-enabled
but this will not allow me to exclude stolen nodes right?
RE: 💬 Building a Orange Pi Gateway
Thanks, I already have a broker and OpenHAB. Want this gateway to act as a client....maybe it will even support SSL MQTT. And encryption with
#define MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION is wanted.
In the article, there is no list of all available configurations...yea adding SD card does not make it cheaper
RE: 💬 Building a Orange Pi Gateway
I wanted to build MQTT client gateway with whitelisting and encryption + 3 LEDs with Arduino UNO and Ethernet shield but it does not have enough memory.
Before going to Arduino MEGA I found this and I think this will be a better way to do it. Smaller, cheaper..just not sure if it has all the options. Can someone confirm? Whitelisting will be easier then reflashing Arduino all the time too.
I plan to use Orange Pi Zero H2+ Quad Core 256MB