change the code a little bit and bingo you just made a light thermin .. cool for wearables

Posts made by Andy Pep
RE: Parking Sensor
RE: ESP8266 WiFi gateway port for MySensors
ill put a serial interface on to it and keep it running for debug data ..ill post up the next 3 hours of data later on this evening ..
RE: ESP8266 WiFi gateway port for MySensors
to me it was very easy to hook up and get working ..well done Yveaux you have given my collection of esp's a new life
when my phone recharges ill take a pic and upload it ..i like the way it reboots when connection is lost .. handy feature
well done kudos to you
RE: ESP8266 WiFi gateway port for MySensors
ok i have used a esp8266mod dev board for my test hooked it up flashed the sketch and domoticz is seeing it ok and relaying my sensor data .. not a painfull process at all
will update tomorrow to see if it fails or goes fubar ..but so far so good :P) -
RE: ESP8266 WiFi gateway port for MySensors
i have a few esp8266mod demo bords a node mcu 9.5 a few esp-01, when i get home i will throw a gateway together
and test all you like ..i do not mind doing alpha or beta testing if needed ..great work btw ...
also has anyone used this beta .. looks very cool aswell
kind regards
andy -
RE: My upcoming project
hahaha love it
how about some gas sensors to measure co2 and methane and sulpher dioxide
ultrasonic to measure speed of turd under gravity or pressure
RE: What batteries is best to use for a sensor that sleeps most of the time?
i use 2cell 7.4 volt recycled laptop battery packs for my projects thay have a natural discharge of 5% a month but do some reading and research on how to handle and charge them...and you should be recycleing lappy batterys is good for the enviroment..and you also learn about the new breed of batterys and cells
RE: mega 2560
cheers for that sparkman ... i was thinking of trying some sort of 433mhz sniffer to wifi serial setup..and hook up a 70cm coliner antenna to the radio with a bit of filtering and narrow the band down and see what is out there that can be used in a local (mesh) of sensors.. i turned my 70cm ham radio and tuned it down to 433.92 and there is a load of traffic out there .. how many are remote weather sensors same with 315mhz ...could be handy in mapping local climate hotspots and microclimates.....
RE: my first weather station
well thats cool .. my recycled tipping bucket works and seams to be close to accurate ..
RE: Insect night!
2 of my sensors have been up only a month now and i have spiders and i snail on the there a mysensors example that can counnt how many bugs a bug zapper kills in 24 hours lol
mega 2560
after cleaning my junk box i have found a mega 2560 i notice it has 3 serial,s on it aswellwhat can i use it for and are mysensors supporting this chip and setup ... i was thinking ubergatewat maybe ..
RE: my first weather station
slowly getting there........... just waiting on a slow boat from china with the rest of my parts
RE: my first weather station
little update
mq135 is now up and running ..need to be callabrated but its close enough untill i have finished testing it ... and thay do eat some power...300ma just for the sensor.
i just need to get some potting compound for the rain gauge
just added a pir sensor .
this is getting addacting lol
RE: my first weather station
cheers neverdie for the link to the post it has helped alot
my sensors arrived today im just awaiting on some nrf and esp radios and im away ..
tipping rain gauge retrofit will be started today or tomorrow
RE: gps module on gateway for time keeping .
ok cool i understand ...and if people for what ever reason need that kind of accurcy then a simple dunio ntp gateway will do the job ..
gps module on gateway for time keeping .
is it possable have accurite time is a need for a lot of projects..even more so for non net connected devices..
RE: my first weather station
Indeed Drjeff ...
i have learned more in the past 4 weeks in starting this journey than i did for a year makeing flashy led stuff lol. mind you i am thinking of a neopixel display lol
and the good thing is i can give back..the data collected will be of use to someone if not myselfandy
Analog gauges on serial gateway
just a thought has anyone done this yet
i would like to make a mysensor gateway with some added steampunk analog gauges or make the steampunk display a slave gateway..just a thought
RE: my first weather station
cheers for your kind comments
yes its going to be a learning curve ..but after finding mysensors my mind has woken up
some more sensor data
you know in this day and age air polloution is someting to think off.. it effects everyone.. and mysensors could be a very usefull resorce for this kind of remote sensing
now i have to finish my tipping bucket rain gauge and deploy that
..and now in the project list
make gateway box and add 433.
place mcu power radio in tipping bucket
assemble and test airqualty package
.. i am also thinking of useing a gyro mcu radio and power in to a 3d printed weather vane..busy times ahead
andy -
RE: my first weather station
i just found this for the sharp sensor "Sensitivity
These results are true only when the sensor is used with factory settings. The variable resistor shouldn't be changed. Attach:output.jpg Δ The table demonstrates that for every 0.1 mg more of dust, the voltage increases by 0.5 Volts.
There are other environmental sensors in the market that can detect particles with the size of 1 micrometer (1�m). This scale means that even pollen grains, and mildew spores can be detected. There is no information about this on GP2Y1010AU's datasheet except that it is stated that it can detect cigarette smoke.
0.6 mg/m3 of dust doesn't seem much when National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)'s recommended wood dust is 1 mg/m3 and used to be 5mg/m3 for softwoods. "so yes it can do pollen ..and mould ...
looks like a good addition to my sensor network
more info here
with the mq-135 and a sharp sensor i can measure a lot of different gases and nasty stuff..
RE: my first weather station
cheers neverdie
seams like a good starting point ...i have found the sharp particle sensor cheap on ebay i have got a combined mq-135 that is a one sensor package that covers a lot of gas's and poloution
data sheet for the mq-135 is here
it covers everything i need includeing sulphers
and its one package that helps keep the power useage down .. just the heaters in the sensor pulls 300ma so it will have to be a heavy duty lipo and mains powerd.
just need to think of a sample chamber ..
cheerd for the link
RE: my first weather station
went to the local thrift store today and picked up a archos win7 tablet for 10ukp its working but dog slow ..
dual core 1.20 atom gig of ram wifi bluetooth usb 80 gig hdd but i may boot a compact flash ..
so lastnight i did a 3 wipe format and a fresh install (win7 home basic) got it updated installed security and a fresh copy of domoticz.
so now i have a display and control hub with cloud data backup working very well with mysensors serial gateway and my small sensor am loving this btw ...
i have orderd the mcu and radio for the tipping bucket refurb i decided for that to go as a stand alone device ..
i am now thinking of makeing an air and polloution sensor pack as i am near to a main road and i have breathing issues so some kind of local alarm would be good.
what sensors would you use .. i know current useage are very high and i have opted for a enclosed box with a airpump ect so i can power it via the mains ..and inside .
any advice on air and gas sensors would be great..
andy -
RE: my first weather station
this is the recycled tipping bucket rain gauge i found at the bottom of my garden
this is my sensor node .. fake uno bnp180 dht11 with a nrf radio .. all running an upcycled laptop batterys at 8volts 2c balenced lipos (home made)
heat shrinked sensors with plenty of air flow and venting with nrf radio
orignal radio and mcu for the rain gauge
some of todays data
see it did happen ...
andy -
my first weather station
i would like to say a big thank you for this easy to understand libraries and tutorials
great fun and habbit forming lol.
so far i have put together a serial gateway , a uno with a bmp180 and a dht11 as a node.. and its all working nice and stable throu domoticz..
i have found at the bottom of my garden an old maplin weather station tipping bucket rain gauge it was on some kind of 433 proto ..after imspection of the unit i gutted all of the old electronics ect out of it and gave it a good clean.. the plastics are in very good order and i managed to salvage the reed switch ..its a 5mil bucket aswell .with thanks to Salmoides and his solar powerd mini weatherstation i managed to cobble up some of his code to get my sensor pack running. now i would like to add the ability to use my raingauge hooked up to my uno wireing it up is not an issue but the code may as well be in klingon lol ..i am no good at all codeing .. i left that bahind in the 1980s and i have only just got back in to doing it .
ps has anyone in the uk seen this ... could be an addition aswel