@Kurtsejr i think for the best erase or move whole libraries out of the way and put in fresh in cos i notice two folder differently one was "my-sensor" other one is "MySensors" folder myself would use "MySensors" from the website i unrar place in that one it work so well then other one ... so worth a try (thats happen when i try other one saying check wire) so try other one and softspi then it would say "started" on the serial montior on arduino IDE
Posts made by Anthony Straw
RE: VeraEdge/UI7 and Gateway
RE: VeraEdge/UI7 and Gateway
arduino/libaries/Mysensor/utility/rf24_config.h open with geany for windows and //#define SOFTSPI edit it save / reupload sketch i didnt use serial gateway i use mqtt gateway thou.. i will check later with serial gateway never tried.. still building up and learning and gets better now lol
RE: Data from MQTT Gateway not pushing to OpenHab
r u sure add the addon folder.. org.openhab.binding.mqtt-1.6.2 then check in opehab config.. add ur ip of ur arduino gateway and port thats happens to me then end up got it working byself when restart and disconnect the mqtt client from @Jerady ... i check ur debug too many try remove many addons and focus on one thing a time and will able to help
like i did...
Actuators on the MQTT gateway digital pin arduino mega/Uno
got all the sensor with nrf24 senting to arduino mqtt gateway fine and communcation to open hab on pc or raspberry pi works well but... would like add to control those pins on the mqtt gateway as well ? i dont see any info on mysensor / forums? i think i gotta to play with it over the weekend
any quick tips?
thanks -
RE: Multi Button Relay switch
go for SSR instead of hk mechical relay it will stop working after 10,000 clicked ... cheap brand
RE: MySensors Contest 2015
@ServiceXp same for me awaiting for shipping all parts take months to arrive!!!
RE: 3-in-1 Humidity Temp and Motion
@Konrad-Walsh my nano and pro mini on the way! double each! cant wait!! fed up all confused so have ard r3 n mega n nano n promini all tick tick!
RE: How to know the node ids assigned by the mqtt gateway to the sensors?
on the arduino serial monitor showing..
0;0;3;0;9;read: 21-21-0 s=1,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5:21.0
MyMQTT/21/1/V_TEMP30 18 00 12 4D 79 4D 51 54 54 2F 32 31 2F 31 2F 56 5F 54 45 4D 50 32 31 2E 30
0;0;3;0;9;read: 21-21-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5:41.0
MyMQTT/21/0/V_HUM30 17 00 11 4D 79 4D 51 54 54 2F 32 31 2F 30 2F 56 5F 48 55 4D 34 31 2E 30
0;0;3;0;9;read: 21-21-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5:42.0 -
RE: How to know the node ids assigned by the mqtt gateway to the sensors?
@amitach im able see on mqttfx on windows with incoming msg of arduino senting temp and hum (MyMQTT/21/0/v_HUM with 41.0 below.. appear to be working on this machine while the openhab is running as server on this pc for testing .... ive check the openhab test.items
i rename the line...String sketch20 "Cupboard Temp [%s °C]" (sketch,all) {mqtt="<[MyMQTT/21/0/V_TEMP:state:default]"}
nothing is updating....
RE: How to know the node ids assigned by the mqtt gateway to the sensors?
@Jerady works with older verions of MQTT.fx 0.0.12 on win 7 32 bit .. the newer one is only for 64 bit machine.. cheers