Just read that link above lol. Could of saved me alot of writing on a phone. Good luck

Posts made by brettzky84
RE: Gateway not working on VeraLite + UI6 - No Serial Port configuration available
RE: Gateway not working on VeraLite + UI6 - No Serial Port configuration available
Failing that delete the mysensor gateway. Then reinstall D_Arduino1.xml. Re-add nodes as per usual.
RE: Gateway not working on VeraLite + UI6 - No Serial Port configuration available
Im using the serial gateway on u17 and have it working fine. i have the same problem as you when my vera is rebooted or powered off, but found 2 solutions. 1 with the vera on disconnect then reconnect the serial gateway. wait 10seconds refresh the dashboard page. Then go to app/ developer apps/ serial connection. Reset your baud rate to 115200?? Select the mysensors profile. Then reload luup.pls note Sometimes it takes a few retrys. And doesn't always detect serial connection just be persistent. Option 2 when you get it working create a complete vera backup on your phone or pc. restore backup when needed
RE: vera U17
sorry if i wasted anyones time but i got it all working finally after numerouse factory resets and plugin reinstalls. so stoked
RE: vera U17
thanks guys i will try the ethernet gateway with UI7 if i can get the mysensor arduido plugin to display the inclusion button. i will have to do some more forum searching. Think it will be more likely that i have to downgrade though which im not looking forward to as the comments i have briefly read suggests it wont be fun
vera U17
Hi, I have myself a shinny new veralite with firmware 1.7.481 and new to the mysensor world. just wondering if its worth trying to downgrade my firmware to u15 if possible? as im already having dramas with the my sensor plugin and getting the serial gateway to work?
RE: more types of actuators
Thanks I'll keep that in mind. But You can never have enough toys and are as common as stepper motors are around an everyday home but open up new possibilities. Sure you could build it though, but having a community working as one is progress
more types of actuators
Support more types of actuators to do things like pop up under bench TV. Remote controled blinds. Automatic gates. it would be great to see more of these included in your store.
RE: clamp power meter
i found some information here that may be of some use for others http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/58
RE: Sensor taking the status of a blinking led of an alarm system
Why not measure when there is voltage to the led??? Much more reliable and simple
RE: connecting existing alarm system to veralite/ mysensors
I will add a photo of the wiring in the alarm panel soon as it has a tamper switch and my partner is asleep
connecting existing alarm system to veralite/ mysensors
hi, it have an existing home alarm system the dcs pc1565 classic with motion sensors, smoke detectors siren and control panel.
I'm looking to interface the system into my veralite using arduino or raspberry pi b +. But don't know where to start, but would prefer to use the outputs of the alarm system rather than connect directly to the sensors.
Any sketches, plugins, wiring diagrams, code would be much appreciated
clamp power meter
Hi, it have an efergy e2 energy meter which has a clamp meter with 3.5mm plug that connects to the 433mhz transmitter. My question is how can interface this into my veralite controller (using eg arduino or raspberry pi b+ or rf-transmitter). Any links to sketches, plugins and diagrams would be greatly appreciated.