@Bandra great we wait patiently!

Posts made by Dvbit
RE: My Ideal sensor node PCB
I would also benefit from the sharing on OSHPark or similar sites as I am a total newbie.Btw thanks to all the pros for their great work
Bandra your design is for now the one that gets closer to my desires. Really nice compact and flexible
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
Do you pan to is sue also a battery based version?
RE: MySensors battey board revision 1.0
looks very good indeed. Any ETA on production?
RE: A compendium of hardware boards to support MySensor nodes
About the;
SeeedStudio DevDuinos http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/s/devduino.html?search_in_description=0Has anybody tested it with the mysensors vera gateway?
Does it work?
For a newbie like me it is attractvive as it requires minmal soldering activities/knowledgeThanks for your feedback
RE: Building an IR Blaster
La librairie IRremote permet la reception et lâĂ©mission de codes IR (Infrarouges) selon diffĂ©rents protocoles, la rendant compatible avec la plupart des tĂ©lĂ©commandes IR, et des appareils tĂ©lĂ©commandĂ©s par IR disponibles sur le marchĂ©.
Dans ce plugin, seule la partie rĂ©ception de la librairie est utilisĂ©e (rien nâempĂȘche la rĂ©alisation dâune interface dâĂ©mission, sauf que je nâen ai pas lâusage J ).
Irrlib supports input and output...then
The last sentence is "nothing blocks from developing an output interface but I do not need it"Cheers
RE: Building an IR Blaster
Ok. Please note that the guy in the post above talks about bidirectional signal "easily doable" in his post.
You may want to ask him
Tx for your wrk -
RE: Building an IR Blaster
@steets250 Hi there
I did not notice this interesting topic til today.This might help:
Give it a google translate
RE: Liion batteries
@axillent thanks a lot for your answer and patience with a newbie like me...
The Ldo is needed just with rechargeable cr2032?Thanks
RE: VERA 2 Device Install
Vera is temperamental at least ...
I have some plugins that once worked now not. Apparently nothing changed -
RE: Liion batteries
I am thinking about the cr2032 (due to size) I need a step up in this case. Correct?
Sorry for the newbie qn -
RE: VERA 2 Device Install
I am Planning to buy some sensor. Is vera 2 supported? Or is it just vera lite ?
RE: Arduino Nano Gateway for Vera - PCB link
Thanks. Fantastic.
I am looking for somebody wanting to share the order with me.
I will order from Italy (Rome) so ideally other Italians would be better (shipping costs wise) even though all Europeans are welcome.Please pm me.
Liion batteries
Has anyone tried this? https://learn.adafruit.com/li-ion-and-lipoly-batteries
More in general what are the options to power a pro mini 3.3v? -
Sensors db
Not showing off actually a project but submitting a supporting proposal.
My proposal is to keep also a more structured repository of sensors developed.
The idea was born out of my need to do a shopping list of components I would need to thinker with mysensors.
So an excel with a row for each component listed in the store section of the site was born the rightmost columns having a header with sensor name and having a quantity in the corresponding row for each of the component needed in the assembly.
In the column related to each sensor further info could be stored (author, web link, implementation notes etc...)
Then one could have also a practical excel with a total quantity and price of components to be ordered or their order status
This could be shared and put on the site for the benefit of all.Just posted the Excel in the micasa forum threadMySensorsBOM.zip
now including the Excel -
RE: One Arduino with multiple functions
I am a total newbie in arduino but I would guess that the only common pin among different attached sensors could be the ground one.
The other pins transport sensor specific tensions levels (related to event for that specific sensor) so I uses you should use other pins and modify your sketch accordingly to monitor each pin for each function. All of that in the same main arduino polling loop.Experts please correct me if I am wrong .
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