@mfalkvidd Thanks! Just give me a couple of days and I will try to make a new tutorial for mysensors+openhab.
Best posts made by Guillermo Schimmel
RE: openHAB binding
RE: BME280 sensor variability
I think you are right. I have misinterpreted +-3 as +-3% of the value. It seems that is +-3 absolute %RH.
Thanks a lot.
RE: [SOLVED] Ethernet MQTT Gateway Slow to connect
@mfalkvidd said in Ethernet MQTT Gateway Slow to connect:
@guillermo-schimmel wouldn't it be a bit surprising if there is a delay that is only active on your system?
Sure. I'm not meaning that. Sometimes not being an english speaker is tough.
I mean that some combination of settings that I may have done (wrongly?) perhaps generated that delay.
RE: Ability to change channel & or base radio ID
@mfalkvidd that's really great. I'll try. Thank you very much.
RE: Things definition vs nodes and childIDs
@fredswed As far as I know, there isn't a better way. A thing is indeed a phisycal object, and a node groups several of them.
Can I ask you which kind of connection/gateway are you using? I'm strugling with the mqtt gateway and the binding.
RE: Roller Shutter
The combination openhab (2.3)+mqtt (mosquitto)+mqtt gateway+mysensor nodes works perfect end to end.
The rollershutter node, with a small addition to report position works perfect just as-is.
I wouldn't try to do the comms other way than nrf24 (perhaps nrf5x in the future). It's cheap and easy.
If you have some specific question I will be glad to help you. I'm convinced OpenHAB is the best home automation controller, but sometimes can be a little difficult to start things up.
RE: [SOLVED] Ethernet MQTT Gateway Slow to connect
@guillermo-schimmel Well, solved.
Good brands not means good quality.
Replaced my Cisco switch for a unbranded one:
0 MCO:BGN:INIT GW,CP=RNNGA---,REL=255,VER=2.3.1 4 TSM:INIT 5 TSF:WUR:MS=0 11 TSM:INIT:TSP OK 13 TSM:INIT:GW MODE 15 TSM:READY:ID=0,PAR=0,DIS=0 17 MCO:REG:NOT NEEDED w5100 init w5100.cpp: detect W5200 chip Wiznet soft reset mr=0 w5100.cpp: detect W5500 chip Wiznet soft reset mr=0 w5100.cpp: detect W5100 chip Wiznet soft reset mr=0 chip is W5100 590 GWT:TPC:IP= 1598 MCO:BGN:STP 1600 MCO:BGN:INIT OK,TSP=1 1603 GWT:TPC:IP= 2606 GWT:RMQ:MQTT RECONNECT 2615 GWT:RMQ:MQTT CONNECTED
Connected at the first attempt.
Thank you guys a lot for your time.
RE: diagram of MQTT Gateway and MQTT Broker in the overall scheme of things ?
It is indeed a little more complex than other solutions, but on the long run I like it because it is so powerfull and stable.
That is another advantadge of MQTT also. You can kind of isolate your devices from the controller. So if I in the future I get tired of openhab, or -hope not- they abandon the development, I could just integrate all the devices over mqtt.
But whatever works its the best solution! Good luck with domoticz!
P.S. if you want to take a look, here is my vacuum cleaner interface, I'm sure it works perfectly for domoticz
RE: openHAB 2.2 binding
@jimmy-loyens said in openHAB 2.2 binding:
Hello, I just started to use the mysensors binding 2.2 (moving from serial gateway to ethernet gateway to accomadate MYSController) and I have some (maybe stupid) questions I cant find the answers to (I have been poking around the forum though).
First off, I have a whole bunch of the same type nodes: child0=battery/child1=humidity/child2=temperature/child3=lightintensity/child4-9 are digital inputs for doors and windows. Are such nodes supported by the binding, and how to configure them? I can find temperature, humidity and lightlevel nodes in the list (paperUI) but how can i combine these?Second, can the nodes be automaticly discovered by the binding? In my case i have to add them all manually.
Yes they can. Use the openhab-mysensors-2.4.0-snapshot binding and they will appear.
Third, what are the var1-5 channels for? (is this the answer to my first question?)
Good question. I wonder that myself. When you know it please tell me.
Fourth, what is the difference between the two variable1 channels? in the channel name one says "var1" the other one says "custom"?
Fifth, is there a comprehencive tutorial out there on how to configure the nodes? (I have looked but cant seem to find one)
No there isn't. I think it would be a great idea to write something.
Sixed, when i add any sensor manualy i get a status for it of "UNINITIALIZED - HANDLER_INITIALIZING_ERROR ". The node ID/child ID is online sending data though.I resolved a lot of those messages by restarting the complete OpenHAB. Not cool, but works.
am i using the latest stable version of the binding? I downloaded it a few weeks ago from eclipse market.
Use this:
Any help would be appreciated
RE: 💬 MYSController
Absolutely great work! Just discovering the extent of the work done with mysensors. Amazing. Thanks
RE: Roller Shutter
I really don't know, I can't help you much. My sugestion would be to back down to a simpler sketch like blink, use the standard arduino ide and try everything. Just then move to more complex projects like roller shutter.
RE: MYSController for RPi?
@jimbolaya said in MYSController for RPi?:
@guillermo-schimmel Is the same true for serial gateway?
I don't know, but don't think so. It would be difficult for more than one program to take control of the serial port.
RE: 💬 Building a MQTT Gateway
It should have:
void presentation() {
sendSketchInfo("Gateway node", "1.0");
}In order to show the right topology in some tools, i.e. mycontroller.org
RE: BME280 Temp Sensor Problem - Min Power Up Time? Min Time To Get First Reading?
@mahonroy It is a very interesting experiment indeed.
I just connected the batteries to the arduino, no boosting. But I have space for 2 AAs. With coin things surely are harder.
I can't help you now but will keep watching your results. Good luck!
RE: Request for contribution - controller selection matrix
OpenHAB was a little outdated. Updated the column in the editable google sheet. Thanks
RE: 💬 OpenHAB
@guillermo-schimmel said in
It looks that I was using 1.a, as this is how I already have items defined from before, f.eks.
Number Temp_03 "Temperatura [%.1f °C]" {mqtt="<[mosquito:mygateway1-out/3/1/1/0/0:state:default]"}but I do agree, this is a bit... time consuming to figure out which value should be sent when.
To migrate from this to 1.b, I would have to define every channel in the things file?
Yes, like this:
Thing mqtt:topic:miscosas { Channels: Type number : ecovacs_1_battery_level "Ecovacs 01 Battery Level" [ stateTopic="ecovacs/E0000693817701104736/battery_level" ] Type string : ecovacs_1_charge_status "Ecovacs 01 Charge Status" [ stateTopic="ecovacs/E0000693817701104736/charge_status" ]
Or via Paper UI, which is slower and painful.
I am not a fan of PaperUi , and would like to have a official bindings when possible. It is always annoying to update openhab, and I would like to keep it as less complicated as possible.
Do you have an example (or give some tips) on how to go with 1.b route, either via PaperUi, or things file? What do I write there for one, f.eks. temperature-humidity sensor?
The "1.b" is just like I said. Define your .things and then is identical to the 2. From things you go to items and then sitemap.
I like having good control over each node, so defining each channel should be fine for me, I am just struggling to get started, then I can copy-paste from there
There you have an example, which I actually use with and old mysensor node which I modifyed (bad)
a. Things:
Thing mqtt:topic:miscosas { Channels: Type string : porton_a_mano "Garage Porton a Mano" [ stateTopic="mygateway1-out/11/3/1/0/16" ] }
b. Items
String item_porton_a_mano "porton a mano" { channel="mqtt:topic:miscosas:porton_a_mano"}
c. Sitemap
Frame label="Garage" { Default item=item_porton_a_mano icon="garagedoor" valuecolor=[CLOSED="green",OPEN="red" ] }
RE: Arduino pro mini dead after flashing MYSbootloader.
@mfalkvidd Compiling the bootloader in a linux machine is as easy as running make, given than you have devel tools and avr-gcc installed.
RE: A sensor to detect breathing
@absolem I would try the audio way.
A microphone near the mouth place could detect very different sounds.
I dunno if the usual mic modules do that or you would need to manually make a circuit with two bandpass filters in order to get the 3 states. (nothing, in, out)
RE: 💬 FOTA (Wireless Programming)
@mfalkvidd Thank you as usual.
I can confirm that is indeed working by recompiling to my channel.
I have however a couple of questions.
When you say "by default", do that means that there is a way of modify that default? If so, how?
This specific node that I'm testing with, have a fixed node id (I use OpenHAB). But with the recompiled bootloader it "knows" which firmware download. Where does it gets from? Is the bootloader accessing the main sketch? Or is the node id info fixed in eeprom.
If the node id info is in eeprom, could we also have the channel there? It would be so great not having to compile the bootloader.
Thanks a lot, as allways.
RE: Arduino pro mini dead after flashing MYSbootloader.
@mfalkvidd said in Arduino pro mini dead after flashing MYSbootloader.:
Great work @jimmy-loyens
Since you now have a working system, would you mind writing down what was needed? I think you are in a good position to describe things so a newbie (like myself, at least when it comes to ota) can understand? Maybe something that can make https://www.mysensors.org/about/fota easier.
I will send you some little things to improve it:
- MYSBootloader uses channel 76 by default. To change the channel, a new bootloader must be compiled.
Feel free to post my github project "https://github.com/guillebot/MYSensors-Bootloaders"
I will keep updated the different channel versions and probably will upload my script and some info about compiling them.
RE: 💬 FOTA (Wireless Programming)
@mfalkvidd said in
FOTA (Wireless Programming):
- Yes. Isn't that exactly what you did when you did this: "I can confirm that is indeed working by recompiling to my channel" ?
Definitely yes. And it worked. I meant a non-compiling way, like set some eeprom variable.
- I don't know. But I would also guess eeprom.
- The bootloader needs to fit into a very small size, so I am not sure if there is room to read the channel from eeprom.
Maybe @scalz can comment on 2 and 3.
Please @scalz should you have a little room, this would be a very nice feature to have.
Thank you both guys.
RE: 💬 FOTA (Wireless Programming)
@sindrome73 You have to recompile the bootloader.
It's easier than it seems.
- Mirror this repo on some machine with devel tools (I use OpenSUSE)
- Edit the file MYSBootloader.c, only the line:
#define RF24_CHANNEL (76) // RF channel for the sensor net, 0-127; default 76
- Run Make
Probably it's going to need all the set of avr devel tools. Install them according to your distribution instructions.
- You are going to get a .hex. That is the bootloader with the new channel. Install it according the standard instructions. I use AVRDUDESS.
I can confirm that I did this and it's working great.
RE: 💬 FOTA (Wireless Programming)
@sindrome73 You have to use the
tool, which is going to call theavr-gcc
compiler.Have you ever compiled something using command line tools?
If you don't know what I'm talking about, just tell me your channel and I can compile a bootloader for you.
RE: 💬 FOTA (Wireless Programming)
@sindrome73 here you have bootloaders for all the channels.
They are unchanged from default elsewhere. Only RF CHANNEL.
RE: 💬 FOTA (Wireless Programming)
1st: In order to upload soft using a cable, you don't need to modify the bootloader. Any bootloader will work.
if and only if you want to experiment with FOTA (uploading firmware via wireless), then:
2nd: if you want to use FOTA and you choose MYSBOOTLOADER, then please check the fuses and lock bits, I dont remember them all. But it seems ok, have a try and let us know!