@guillermo-schimmel Is the same true for serial gateway?

Posts made by jimbolaya
RE: MYSController for RPi?
RE: MYSController for RPi?
This looks like a great start. I use Domoticz and will stick with it for the z-wave support. Any experience using the two controllers on the same pi? Perhaps shut down Domoticz and then start MyController for the FOTA?
RE: MYSController for RPi?
Is that just a controller or can it also upload firmware?
MYSController for RPi?
Is there such a version? I’d like to try FOTA but don’t have a Windows machine. Thanks!
RE: Pressure Sensor - minimum detectable pressure change
Oops. My bad. I thought I listed the sensor. I was looking at the BMP180 on the atmospheric pressure sensor build page. It looks like the BMP280 also has a +- 1 hPa absolute accuracy. Maybe I could take advantage of the better relative accuracy and sample pressure when the furnace is both running and not. The not running pressure would give me a good baseline.
Pressure Sensor - minimum detectable pressure change
I'm working on a sensor to give me the pressure drop across my furnace filter. From what I'm reading I can expect filter inlet and outlet pressures of around 1 inch of water or 2.5 hPa. The sensor spec sheet lists accuracies of around +- 1 hPa. I'm concerned the error may be more than the pressures changes I'm trying to measure. Anyone have any experience with this sensor? Any thoughts? Thx!
RE: Video How To - Phoney TV
Thx for the reply @Sparkman. The link you included brings me to a page that lists all their products. Could you please check and repost?
RE: Video How To - Phoney TV
Could you suggest a replacement transistor. The listed one is now obsolete. Thx.
Upgrade to 2.1.0
I have a custom sketch that I modified from the mysensors library. Do I have to compare my custom sketch line by line with the original sketch to see what changed with version 2.1.0? Or can I just recompile my custom sketch with the new libraries. Thx!