It sounds absolutely terrific !
Thank you very much !
It sounds absolutely terrific !
Thank you very much !
hi @Boots33
Thank you for your really helpful answer!
Following your guidelines, I've succeeded to send MyMessages after registration is completed. Here is the code :
boolean executeOnce = false;
void setup(){ }
void loop(){
if ( ! executeOnce && isTransportReady() ) {
// code here to be executed once at startup
// ...
executeOnce = true;
Regarding 3), here is the behaviour I would like to build:
I've read the helpfull topic you have linked, and started to guess from reading the MyConfig.h : Is this simple code, the right one to act like I wish
// already set as default
Obviously, in the loop, I always have to send MyMessages, with the ACK parameter set to false, to NOT wait for ACK replies whenever the GW is not available, right?
In v2.0+ (I dont remember if it was the same in 1.5), there seems to be a sort of pseudo multitasking sequence happening in background when Mysensors.h is included in the sketch.
One of the consequence is that setup() function occurs at the "same" time as the Mysensor launch/presentation/registration process.
I discovered a before() function, which permits to be sure to launch instructions BEFORE launching MYS, but I did not discovered any after() function wich would allow me to send MyMessages only ONCE the init with the gateway has been completed :
I mean after the "init complete, id=xx, parent=0, distance=1, registration=1"
So the questions are :
What is the recommended way to launch (setup) code only ONCE the node is registered at the gateway, ie for sensing state of initial values. Is there some sort of after() function, or OnRegistered() function ?
Is there some documentation (expect reverse engineering the big MYS library) to understand all the steps that are happening in the background, when launching the library as a node.
It seems that since v2.0 , if the node is unable to find a gateway (ie the GW is too far, or offline) the sketch no longer launch... is there any mechanism to controls this behaviour (ie start anyway, being able to determine is the registration was successfull or not, and if not periodically try to register) ?
Thank you
Except adding a little bit more work to maintain changes in version, date, description, adding photos, etc... So as it is not used I this time , I will remove it.
Anyway, It would be really easy to revert the (clean-up) commit, whenever you'd decide to use this suggested (or another similar) standard.
Did you still consider adding the mysensors.json file or some sort of file stucture standardization in the Github repos?
FYI I have some MySensors projects using the previous proposed standard :
and still
But it you finally don't mind (I guess) to use the proposed file structure or json files, I would like to make some clean-up in my repos...
The problem is not really concerning RGB to HSV or vice-versa (BTW if you have a working-well RGB to HSV code, i'm interested. I'm currently using the FastLED one ...)
The idea (and this is the main reason why HSV ever existed) is to get a easy and natural way to describe colors.
For anyone in the world it is easyer to say "I want a red, pale, not so bright" light, instead of a" #FFAA11" light!
When you are from a controller point of view, talking directly in HSV, allows to easily set a dim level (which is a major feature for a light, isn't it?), and a color (Hue). Devs like the Domoticz ones even dropped the Saturation at this time, but they are currently receiving (and could easily send) H(S)V values.
Also most (if not all) javascript color pickers are natively talking HSV.
About HSL vs HSV I think this not really important because it is just a story of different gamma correction / color space (if i understand well), and for devices intended as a Light (not as screen), color deviation is not a big issue. I just vote for the most used in related software (arduino lib + Javascripts color pickers), to try to match the requested color as accuratly as possible.
If you dont use git just replace the form.php with the one at GitHub
Let me know if it works flawlessly (eth or serial?).
Seems like Chrome + IE does not like function argument default values in JS, while mozilla does.
I've just pushed v1.21 which fixes this bug.
git pull
Updated to v1.2 adding Serial gateway experimental support!
As I don't have any serial gateway to test, I can't figure if it work or not, but I've implemented all the needed components to make it work.
Would you please test if it work fine for you, and push some PR if some things need to be fixed for the serial connection.
If you had to modify the "PhpSerial" class, would you please also push it back to the original developer repo
My GW don't crash while the second controller get a connection, it just throw away the previous connection.
I've tested this with MYS v1.51, 1.54 and 2.0beta.
My two controllers are :
You can check this by having one controller connected, then from a terminal console type :
telnet IP_OF_THE_GW 5003
It will launch a telnet session an you will see the GW messages scrolling, but when you send any characters (ie just hit return), boom, the first connected controller is immediately disconnected.
I'm not worried about any losses while converting HSV->RGB : in this direction, it work pretty well (whenever the software is well written). This is in the opposite direction that conversion is happening bad. (FastLed note about this)
I mean from the node, if I would like to work internally in HSV (in order to be able to support SMOOTH and easy dimmimg of any colors). Geting data from the controller in RGB, then converting in HSV is both approximative and adds some uneeded processing.
Being able to easely DIM any color (ie just changing HSV.v), is one of the main argument to use HSV against raw RGB. In HSV mode you can aslo easily fade between colors (just changing the hue). This is both easy, and really intuitive.
IMHOThese 2 features are importants to well suport RGB strips.
Doing this in HSV, is just a few lines of code (ie using FastLed) while doing this in RGB is a nightmare and absolutely not intuitive.
Anyway my test node works in both modes, but receiving HSV datas, would be a must and thus allow the controller so expose an HSV parameters in the API/script/GUI.
Just imagine creating a LUA script ie, in Domoticz (or any controller) to dim an RGB strip in raw RGB mode, vs doing this in HSV.... One is very complicated while the other is really easy. and dimming a RGB strip should be as simple as dimming a single color bulb, isnt it?
I'm proposing to add an S_HSV_LIGHT type for controlling Led Strips.
FYI : I already have developed an (almost finished) sketch/proof-of-concept that controls a RGB led strip from HSV messages , and/or RGB messages, using the FastLed library. Obviously, the HSV messages are more intuitives and precises than the RGB messages.
Keep up the good work debugging this chinese box !
This box is a really good value for money box to build mysensors projects ( at least box + lipo + solar panel).
If your investigations let us to also use the built in Charger / PIR / LEDS , it would just be amazing.
Please keep us in touch !
I've just posted version 1.1, including the form showed above.
Any current users ?
BTW would you mind if I opened an issue at GH about this, linking to this topic, to help you and others developpers to have a reminder at the right place.
And maybe another C++ hero would see it, and start working on it!
Currently Working (develop branch) on a convenient form to convert/send messages .
It should certainly help developers to test their sensors/gateway
Happy if i could have helped you to save you some time to find a way for implementing a solution.
Let us know when you'd made some progress
Yep, comments are often useful when we are not that lazy to include them
BTW I've found a topic telling about modifying the Eth library to get the Source IP, and being then able to support multiple clients. I don't know if it really helps.
Also found this where the guy says that W5100 supports 4 sockets (so max 4 clients) but the Eth lib can NOT distinguish them if they are on the same port (might be a a workaround, to open 4 port instead of one, ie 5003,5004,5005,5006). He's finally submitted a patch against the Eth lib to allow 4 different sockets on the same port.... But the more interesting seems to be a comment by "Gene" who has posted complete sketch showing how to connect multiple telnet clients . Here is his code:
/* exampleMultiTelnetServer.ino */
* Created: May 21, 2015
* Created by Gene Reeves to demonstrate how the W5100 eithenet handles multiple connections
* using a single server object instance.
* once the sketch is loaded on your arduino and you see the start up banner display in the
* Serial Monitor, fire up your favorite telnet client and connect a few instances.
* from the serial monitor you can send text to one or all clients. Use '*" for the ID to send
* to all, otherwise use the ID you wish to send to, using this format to send,
* "ID:TEDXT_TO_SEND". That should make everything as clear as mud :-)
* Dependencies:
* uses LinkedList class from here
* to store list of connected clients.
* uses StringStream class from here
* Not sure why this was not a part of the StringObject to start with..
* uses elapsedMillis class from here
* much improved version (for Teensy brand mcu's) here
* Unless I am mistaken, I beleive this code was originated by Paul Stoffregen of
* If you are not famialar with Paul or his Teensy microcontroller, you would do yourself a
* solid to spend some time reviewing his code and you can't beat the Teensy 3.1 for
* price/performance/support!!!
* Teensy 3.1 - 32bit-ARM mcu @ 72MHz (overclockable to 168MHz) w/ 256K flash / 64K ram / USB
* for under $20.
* BTW, I am in no way affilaited with Paul or PJRC, I just think he built an awesome mcu.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <LinkedList.h>
#include <elapsedMillis.h>
#include <StringStream.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <EthernetUdp.h>
#include <EthernetServer.h>
#include <EthernetClient.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <Dns.h>
#include <Dhcp.h>
#include <IPAddress.h>
#include <Server.h>
#include <Client.h>
/* Change the following to suite your environment. */
#define TELNET_SERVER_MAC 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED
#define TELNET_SERVER_IP 192, 168, 1, 177
#define TELNET_SERVER_GATEWAY 192, 168, 1, 1
#define TELNET_SERVER_NETMASK 255, 255, 255, 0
#define SERIAL_BAUD 115200
#define WELCOME_BANNER_STRING "Welcome to MultiTelnetServer.\r\nType 'exit' to disconnect\r\n"
#define GOODBYE_BANNER_STRING "Come Back Again, Goodbye.."
#define APP_BANNER_STRING "\r\n\r\n\tMultiTelnetServer Example\r\n This example application strives to\r\ndemonstrate using the Wiznet W5x00\r\nEthernet Shield's Arduino library usage\r\nwhen serving mulitple concurrent\r\nconnects using a single 'server object'\r\ninstance."
#define SERVER_LISTENING_STRING "\tServer Listening on"
* This is required to add RemoteIP, RemotePort support to the EthernetClient class
* I stole it from here
//namespace ethernet_fix
#include <utility/w5100.h>
template<typename Tag, typename Tag::type M>
struct AccessMember{
friend typename Tag::type get(Tag){ return M; }
struct EthernetClient_Socket{
typedef uint8_t EthernetClient::*type;
friend type get(EthernetClient_Socket);
template struct AccessMember < EthernetClient_Socket, &EthernetClient::_sock > ;
IPAddress RemoteIP(EthernetClient &c){
byte remoteIP[4];
W5100.readSnDIPR(c.*get(EthernetClient_Socket()), remoteIP);
return (remoteIP);
uint16_t RemotePort(EthernetClient &c){
return W5100.readSnDPORT(c.*get(EthernetClient_Socket()));
//} // namespace "ethernet_fix"
* EthernetClientEx - Because there is still no RemoteIP or RemotePort
* properties built in to th current EthernetClient!!
class EthernetClientEx :
public EthernetClient
uint8_t _sock; // hack to get access to socket #
EthernetClientEx(const EthernetClient &orig) : EthernetClient(orig) {}
IPAddress remoteIP() { return RemoteIP((EthernetClient &)(*this)); }
int16_t remotePort() { return RemotePort((EthernetClient &)(*this)); }
bool isSameSock(const EthernetClientEx &c) { return (_sock == c._sock); }
* ClientItem is class to wrap EthernetClient for storage on linked list
* we will use it to add a ts (millis at connection time) and an index.
class ClientItem
unsigned long timestamp;
int index;
size_t recv_cnt;
String recv_buffer;
EthernetClientEx *client;
ClientItem() { timestamp = millis(); index = -1; client = (EthernetClientEx *)false; }
virtual ~ClientItem() { delete client; /* release memory */}
unsigned long elapsed(void) { unsigned long ts = millis(); return (ts - timestamp); }
* ClientList is linkedlist for storing connected clients.
* For now, we'll just use it to store our clients, but should
* expand this close to include testing all clients for disconnects,
* testing all clients for pending recv data and sending data
* to all connected clients.
class LinkedClientList :
public LinkedList<ClientItem*> //ClientList;
//EthernetServer *server;
ClientItem *getClientItem(int idx)
for (ListNode<ClientItem *> *n = root;n;n=n->next)
if (n->data->index == idx)
return n->data;
return (ClientItem *)0;
bool exists(const EthernetClientEx &ece)
for (ListNode<ClientItem *> *n = root; n; n = n->next)
if (n->data->client->isSameSock(ece))
return true;
return false;
void drop(int idx)
ClientItem *cli;
int real_idx = -1;
int ci = 0;
for (ListNode<ClientItem *> *n = root; n; n = n->next)
if (n->data->index != idx)
cli = n->data;
real_idx = ci;
if (real_idx != -1)
if (cli->client->connected())
cli->index = -1;
size_t send(const String &s, int idx)
size_t ret = 0;
ClientItem * cli = getClientItem(idx);
if (cli)
ret = cli->client->print(s);
return ret;
size_t send2All(const String &s)
size_t ret = 0;
for (ListNode<ClientItem *> *n = root; n; n = n->next)
ret += n->data->client->print(s);
return ret;
LinkedClientList ClientList;
// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.
// The IP address will be dependent on your local network.
// gateway and subnet are optional:
byte mac[] = { TELNET_SERVER_MAC };
// buffer to hold input from console
StringStream con_buffer("");
// telnet defaults to port 23
EthernetServer server(TELNET_SERVER_PORT);
/* forward's */
void server_check_new_connections(void);
void server_check_client_recv(void);
int server_accept(EthernetClientEx *enetcli);
bool clientExists(const EthernetClientEx &c);
bool test_for_cmd(const String &itm, const String &src);
size_t console_recv(void);
void proc_line(StringStream &ss);
size_t client_recv(ClientItem *cli);
void client_disconnecting(ClientItem *cli);
void client_disconnected(ClientItem *cli);
size_t send_to(int idx, const String &str);
size_t send_to_all(const String &str);
void setup()
/* add setup code here */
// reserve some space for input buffer
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
delay(3000); // 3 second delay for Serial to connect.
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
// initialize the ethernet device
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet);
// start listening for clients
// Print "App Banner" and "Server Listening" notice.
void loop()
/* add main program code here */
// check for any new clients
// give up a timeslice
// check to see if any of the clients
// have recv data pending
if (ClientList.size() > 0)
// give up a timeslice
// check to see if console has any
// pending recv data.
if (Serial.available())
// give up a timeslice
size_t console_recv(void)
size_t ret = 0;
int c = 0;
while ((c = >= 0)
if (c == 10)
con_buffer = String("");
if (c != 13)
con_buffer += (char)c;
return ret;
void proc_line(StringStream &ss)
// Console input should be in the for of
// "ID:string_literal"
// where:
// ID is client index to send to or "*" (all)
// string_literal is string to send
// check to ensure 2nd char is a ":"
if ((ss.length() < 3) || (ss.charAt(1) != ':'))
Serial.print(F("Invalid Console Input \""));
Serial.print(F("\"\r\nPlease use the following format:\r\n\t"));
int idx = -1;
Serial.print(F(" first char is '"));
Serial.print(F("', "));
if (ss.charAt(0) != '*')
idx = ss.parseInt();
Serial.print(F(", indexOf(':')="));
ss = ss.substring(1 + ss.indexOf(':'));
ss += F("\r\n");
if (idx < 0)
ClientList.send(ss, idx);
size_t console_print_connected_count(void)
size_t ret =
Serial.print(F("\t\t")) +
Serial.print(ClientList.size()) +
Serial.println(F(" connected client(s).\r\n"));
return ret;
bool test_for_cmd(const String &itm, const String &src)
String tst(src);
return tst.startsWith(itm);
void server_check_new_connections(void)
EthernetClient obj = server.available();
if (obj)
// convert to EthernetClientEx
EthernetClientEx new_client(obj);
// is it a new connection?
if (!ClientList.exists(new_client))
// accept new connection
server_accept((EthernetClientEx *)&new_client);
// send welcome banner
int server_accept(EthernetClientEx *enetcli)
// add itm to list
ClientItem *itm = new ClientItem();
itm->timestamp = millis();
itm->index = ClientList.size();
itm->client = new EthernetClientEx((*enetcli));
// print notice on console
Serial.print(F("Accepted new connection ("));
Serial.print(F(") from "));
// print connected count
// return items index
return itm->index;
void server_check_client_recv(void)
if (ClientList.size() == 0) return;
ClientItem *itm;
for (int idx = ClientList.size() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
itm = ClientList.get(idx);
if (itm->client->connected()==0)
if (itm->client->available())
size_t rc = client_recv(itm);
if (rc > 0)
// echo to Serial port
Serial.print(F("Client #"));
Serial.print(F(" sent \""));
// rc will == 0 if nothing received
// rc will == -1 if client entered "exit"
size_t client_recv(ClientItem *cli)
int c;
EthernetClientEx *cIn = (EthernetClientEx *)cli->client;
cli->recv_buffer = "\0";
cli->recv_cnt = 0;
while ((c = cIn->read()) >= 0)
cli->recv_buffer += (char)c;
// check to see if they typed "exit"
if (test_for_cmd(String(F("exit")), cli->recv_buffer))
delay(1); // give up timeslice
Serial.print(F("called client->stop() for #")); Serial.println(cli->index); Serial.flush();
return -1;
return cli->recv_cnt;
void client_disconnecting(ClientItem *cli)
Serial.print(F("Client #"));
Serial.println(F(" is disconnecting."));
// send Goodbye Banner
send_to(cli->index, String(F(GOODBYE_BANNER_STRING)));
void client_disconnected(ClientItem *cli)
// print notice on console
Serial.print(F("Client #"));
Serial.print(F(" was connected for "));
Serial.print(cli->elapsed() / 1000);
Serial.print(F(" seconds, and has disconnected."));
// remove from list of clients
(*cli) = (*(ClientItem *)(unsigned long)0);
// print connected count
// this causes seg fault ??
//delete cli;
size_t send_to(int idx, const String &str)
return ClientList.send(str, idx);
size_t send_to_all(const String &str)
return ClientList.send2All(str);
Bingo ? Sounds good?
Again, sorry my C++ knowledge is very limited...
Thank you for poiting me to this part of the code. It immediately showed something interesting :
Your highlighted code is for ESP8266 but i'm using W5100 (the recommended one)...
If I read correctly the code just following for the W5100, I see that :
// W5100/ENC module does not have hasClient-method. We can only serve one client at the time.
Sorry my C++ knowledge is very limited...
I'm trying to send mysensors message to the ethernet gateway. I've also another Controller (domoticz) connected at the same time. Whatever message I type (even a simple CR) cause Domoticz to be immediatly disconnected.
As I knew that my 1.51 version is not supposed to support mutiple connection to the Eth gateway, I've downloaded the latest dev version from github (# 1f27c3d ) and compiled the GatewayW5100.ino example and just added at top of the file (around line 108, just before the first include):
I suppose this makes the gateway able to handle multiple connections at the same time.
It seems to work, as I can see messages printed on the telnet, while Domoticz is also connected, sending hearbeat messages.
But sending any message, or just sending a CarriageReturn) from telnet, just make Domoticz to be immediately disconnected, with a message in its log file :
MySensors: Connection reset!
TCP: Reconnecting in 30 seconds...
obviously letting him away for 30 seconds is not acceptable in production.
According to Domoticz MySensors source code, the error may be caused by :
(error == boost::asio::error::eof) ||
(error == boost::asio::error::connection_reset)
supposed to work at this time?Any help would be greatly appreciated !
@AWI Thank you very much for poiting me to this interesting project.
If it has been discussed, it has not been solved, wasn't it? I've read @John proposal, which sounds really similar to mine.
Any progress or decision from the maintainers about this ?
Really interested by your investigations, as i stared build some sensor based on this box (ie the Weather station project). But I had trashed the original pcb and replaced by mine, rebuilding a charger, and getting rid of the builtin PIR. But if it is enough hackable, why not keep it as an addionnal sensor.
So please post your results here.
A few remarks :
if there is no LDR, I guess they've simply used the solar panel to detect if there is sun
There should be something like :
Solar+ --------- Resistor ------------ BIS0001 pin 9, so the challenge would be to find which resitor it is, explode it with a cutter or a drill, and put pin 9 to high (ie 3,3v) to make PIR alway ON.
to controll the light there should be something like this:
BIS0001 pin 2 --------- Transistor (base) : remove this connection and connect pin2 to an arduino input and the transistor base to an arduino output.
You would also have to check is the retrigering time fit your need, and it the sensibility is well setup...
for the arduino software it will really simple, ie some pseudo code :
V_TEXT already exists in version 2.0 : see in the code, or in Doxygen !
But because of the NRF24L01 limitation, the maximum payload size is 25 bytes!.
This means that V_TEXT messages would be limited to 25 characters, which could be too short in some case.
Maybe Mysensors could split longer V_TEXT in multiple messages when sending, then recomposing it when receiving ie:
"Here is a sentence longer than 25 characters that should be splitted."
Could be encoded into messages like this :
1;0;0;47;Here is a sentence lon;1;4
1;0;0;47;ger than 25 characters;2;4
1;0;0;47; that should be splitt;3;4
Then it would be automatically decoded at the arrival.
This way V_TEXT message would be limited to 23*255 characters (more than enought), without writing complicated code from the controllers or in the sketch !
@hek just keep up your AMAZING work on MySensors.
Maybe my command line tool may help you to save some time typing in a telnet console.
We're all wishing to get a few more hours per days
I've just posted a PHP class for Mysensors. More at :
It currently uses the .json file / file structure Standard proposed above.
As I needed a simple tool to test MySensors send/receive messages, I've created a basic php class, including a command line script , that can be used to send/receive mysensors messages directly to the Ethernet Gateway.
You can use it in your php controllers, or directly on the command line by tapping commands like:
./mysensors_bin.php set 12 0 V_STATUS 1
This example send a command to the gateway at IP, to set the V_STATUS to 1, for Node 12, child 0...
The project is at GitHub, and your contributions are most welcome !
BTW I did my best to understand how MySensors messages worked, but without more documentation, I may have missed some things. So test it, and feel free to commit PR to the develop branch !
anyone else comments?
I'm very happy that you've liked the concept.
Asking developpers to prefix their repos name with 'mysensors-' does add some "wild" search abilities, but it'd still not fully let you properly index projects.
But a REALLY SIMPLE (this IS the key) JSON file + file structure, is easy to implement for developpers, and would make your life crawling their repo, really safer while letting developpers being focused on what they do best (coding), whithout asking them to follow (boring for them) procedures to publish their projects on
They (or anybody else) would just have to submit the repo URL, and your robots could SAFELY do the rest.
I do believe that standardization is the shortest way and the key to success for both parties (developpers and maintainers), assuming the standard is really simple to implement. Look how fast composer has become the absolute leader in php libraries packages in just a few months, while other (complicated) solutions have pre-existed since years (ie PEAR).
BTW, in my Template JSON definition, I've filled a 'type' (=project) field, intended to define that the repo is a 'project'. But there could be some others useful types, ie:
You could also, like in Composer, include libraries dependencies imanagement.
Food for the mind
Here is a proposal (RFC) to encourage developers to publish MySensors projects on Github, and get their projects published/updated on
IMHO, developers are lazy, and tracking / gathering project information from the forums, or asking developpers to submit on, is also a time consuming process for maintainers.
What if developpers would just have to follow a very basic file structure, when publishing their projects on GitHub and then to just have to submit their repo URL to MySensors, to get their project AUTOMAGICALLY recorded/updated at
So to make this more comprehensible, I've pushed a proposal of a Mysensors Template Project at:
and a demo showing how this could be easily parsed at :
Obviously this is just a draft, and standards should be defined/fixed by maintainers...
Sounds interesting for you developpers?
And for you maintainers?
This is similar to the one I have also bought at aliexpress
@mfalkvidd Thank you very much for pointing me to the dev branch which now implements nodes on the gateway. Things are evolving really fast here I'm certainly gonna wait until it reach the master branch to use it "in production".
While this is just an excellent news solving the sensor-on-gateway issues, it don't solve/standardize multiple arduinos communication. But maybe this feature is outside of the scope od MySensors, and should be developped independently by extending the Wire.h methods.
Any other thoughts?
@Yveaux Thank you very much for the diode explanation, as well as the very interesting diode tutorial.
Thanks to you, I've learned something more today.
I'm gonna test it very soon, and will report back.
@Yveaux thank you for the amazing fast and really helpful answer.
Droping the voltage by 0.7v would certainly change the charger beahaviour to behave properly, and not be in "protection mode", Definitively better than inserting a stepDown module.
I assume that I put the diode in serie from the VCC+ out of the Solar panel TO the VCC+ IN of the charger (right?), ie:
Solar VCC out ------ --->| ---- Charger VCC in.
3 questions:
thank you very much for your valuable support !
Berst regards,
Hi there,
First cheers for this AMAZING project which woken up the electronics passion of my childhood...
I've succefully built an ethernet gateway and some nodes, but I would like to add some nodes directly in the gateway.
For example, I would like to add a 433mghz tranceiver, a 315Mhz tranceiver, as well as a few sensors like BS18B20, and such directly in the gateway...
Here is how I understand it can / cannot be done:
wiring all on the GW arduino, but as read on the forums, it seems that at this time, Mysensors Gateway code does not support sensor (nodes) directly in the Gateway sketch. and I understand that it might be challenging.
Any progress on the idea? Would you implement it a day or definitively not?
current solution seems to build multiple hardware nodes (Arduino + radio) in the same box, which is taking more space(unused radio), taking more hardware (multiple radios) , is slower than a wire, and spending more radio messages just to communicate to an arduino near him within the same box.
Wiring another arduino (acting as node) on the I2C bus to the gateway arduino, an make him exchange infos with the gateway.
The benefit of this approach (if implemented in MySensors) is that:
This would allow easy implementation of sensors/actuator on the gateway, by simply adding another arduino, connected to the 2 pins of I2C bus, and just adding a line on the gateway, ie "gw.useNodesOnI2C()" telling him to also communicate to I2C nodes, plus adding a MySensor "gw(I2C, I2C_ID)" declaration line in each connected node.
This would also permit to extends some complicated nodes (those that need to run parrallel tasks), to easily solve the huge complexity of building multi-threading arduino applications, by simply running multiple arduinos (in the same box), who talk together on the I2C bus.
nodes would be seens as normal nodes, except that their transport is on the I2Cbus instead on the radio module
It might * maybe* be simplier from the Mysensors library side to implement I2C slaves nodes, by "simply" implementing a new transport type, isnt it?
It seems to be possible to code this "manually" for the I2Cbus using Wire.h library, but it would definitively be more elegant and cool to implement it directly in MySensor Lib. Unfortunately my C++ skill are so limited that I can't understand if is is easily feasible or not.
Does it make sense to you?
Any thoughts?
Other Solutions?
Keep up the excellent work !
Best regards
I really liked this project (@Salmoides ThankYou for sharing it)
Expecially the solar powered box.
I've successully prototyped one, but would like to report something to pepople trying to also make this.
The solar panel included in the box, is outputting 6V, while the Charger board is sized to acced only 5V as input.
The consequence, is (at least on my prototype) that when there is enought sun, the charger board don't charge the battery (the blue led lights on, and the red seems to vibrate slighty : I guess this is a "protection mode" when VCCin is to high). If i remove the solar panel, and put a usb cable in the charger input, then the RED led lights on, and the barrety is being charged.
I guess that slighly modifying the charger board, would allow it to accept 6V as input, but this is too far from my electronic skills (Anyone?)
As a workaround, I've ordered a StepDown module to reduce the 6V provided by the solar panel to 5V for the charger input. I guess It will do the job. I will report back as soon as I get the StepUp module from china.
HTH those interested in this excellent project.
BTW @Salmoides , How did you solved it? Does your Solar panel outputs 5V, instead of 6V? Does your charger works with 6V input (might be slighly diffrent board or mine has an issue)? Did you modified the charger or added extra component to reduce the input voltage ?
Cheeers to evereyone !