OK, issue reported: https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-theme-persona/issues/244
Best posts made by ToniA
RE: Recommendation: power supply
@Dwalt But if the idea is to run some actuator (like relay) on it, it must be on all the time.
RE: Node are not receiving messages from domoticz
8 MHz Arduinos absolutely need to use lower baud rate than 115200. The baud rate is generated from the internal clock, and at 8 MHz 38400 bps is the highest baud rate close enough to the standard.
RE: Heatpump controller
Nice to see that my little HeatpumpIR library made it all the way here
I'm also quite new to MySensors, I actually just started today, I've had all the necessary hardware on my table for some weeks now... My goal is to power a (physically) small MySensors device directly from the Panasonic heatpump, and hide everything within the indoor unit's covers, and have it fully controlled by Domoticz. There's quite a bit of work to do, as for example Domoticz does not have a suitable devuce type yet.
And how about MySensors, I'm still quite a newbie on the messaging schema... Is there a schema which could be used to communicate all of these within the same message:
- ON/OFF information (0 or 1)
- Temperature information (integer from 8 to 30)
- Fan speed information (integer from 0 to 5)
- Mode information (COOL, HEAT etc. i.e. integer from 0 to 6)
What comes to Daikin, it would probably be quite easy to add it into the HeatpumpIR code, provided that I could borrow the remote controller for a while. Or, if somebody else could decode the protocol.
RE: Power Pro mini 3.3v from usb ?
You need to connect it using a 3.3V USB to serial adapter.
Something like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/3-3V-USB-to-TTL-Serial-Cable-FT232-Chipset-FTDI-USB-Cable-Adapter-Computer-Cable-/181870867906
RE: Heatpump controller
Interesting... I took a look at mharizanov's work, and I think I might have a decoder for the protocol here: https://github.com/ToniA/Raw-IR-decoder-for-Arduino
Would you try if this correctly decodes the protocol? I would also appreciate some full outputs of successful decode, together with the explanation of the state the remote control shows after the button press.
If the decoder is correct, creating a Daikin module for the HeatpumpIR library will be a piece of cake
RE: Arduino & Microsoft Competition
Really interesting, maybe I could build something cool around the Arduino HeatpumpIR (https://github.com/ToniA/arduino-heatpumpir) library I've been building. Right now I'm integrating it with Domoticz (http://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=7179#p69647).
I'm an ex-Microsoft employee from Finland (resigned about a month ago).
RE: Battery operated actuator
@riataman, have you looked at this: https://github.com/mysensors/Arduino/tree/development/libraries/MySensors/examples/HeatpumpIRController, it's based on the HeatpumpIR library I've written? I just added a few new heatpump models yesterday and today into the library...
Anyway, in my project I'm currently using Arduino Nano + NRF24. I placed this inside the indoor unit's covers, IR led next to the IR eye of the unit, and I even stole the power from the air conditioner, as its logic is running on +5V, which is conveniently the same as the operating voltage of the Nano
Of course I can't recommend anybody to do that
I just got some Sensebenders this week, so I'm trying to build a way smaller device for the other A/C unit I have.
RE: Heatpump controller
Just got my Sensebenders this week. I can confirm that the HeatpumpIR library works also on the Sensebender
RE: Battery operated actuator
This is what I'm using as the control interface: http://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=7179#p69647
It's still under work, but I should be able to have events running on Domoticz, like turn on the A/C if it gets too hot inside the house etc.
RE: Physically small Gateway (to fit inside Raspberry Pi case)
OK, found it. It's about the baud rate, 115200 does not work for a Serial Gateway running on a SenseBender. The real baud rate is too much off when the baud rate is generated from the ATmega 328's internal 8 MHz oscillator.
Unfortunately the 115200 baud rate is hard-coded into Domoticz. I just changed the hardcoded value to 38400 in hardware/MySensorsSerial.cpp, and also rebuilt the 1.5.3 version of the SerialGateway with 38400 as the baud rate.
Works fine now
But I think I'll need to make a change & pull request to Domoticz.
RE: Physically small Gateway (to fit inside Raspberry Pi case)
I made a pull request. The sketch GatewaySerial.ino now sets the serial speed to 38400 if the Arduino is running on 8MHz clock speed.
EDIT: My pull request was accepted into the Domoticz master branch
RE: Has anyone tried software reset of an Arduino?
For whatever strange reason, the Arduino stock bootloader is broken, so that it will not disable the watchdog on startup, causing just an infinite reset loop. I'd recommend updating the bootloader with something like MYSBootloader or Optiboot.