Sketch problems.... I think

  • I am trying to create a outdoor weather station which runs on batterys.
    I am having issues with the light level readings.... they were working fine now all of a sudden they arent.
    I am pretty sure that it is an issue with my sketch but i cant find any problems?? Am i missing something??

     * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
     * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
     * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
     * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
     * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
     * Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
     * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
     * Full contributor list:
     * Documentation:
     * Support Forum:
     * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
     * Version 1.0 - Henrik Ekblad
     * Pressure sensor example using BMP085 module  
    // Enable debug prints to serial monitor
    #define MY_DEBUG 
    // Enable and select radio type attached
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
    #define MY_NODE_ID 5
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <MySensors.h>  
    #include <Wire.h>
    #include <Adafruit_BMP085.h>
    #include <DHT.h>
    #define DHT_DATA_PIN 2
    #define LUX_ON 5
    #define POWER_ON 1  //  value to write to turn on sensor
    #define POWER_OFF 0 //  value to write to turn off sensor
    #define BARO_CHILD 0
    #define TEMP_CHILD 1
    #define VOLTAGE_CHILD_ID 3
    #define CHILD_ID_HUM 4
    #define CHILD_ID_LIGHT 5
    static const uint64_t UPDATE_INTERVAL = 30000;
    static const uint8_t FORCE_UPDATE_N_READS = 10;
    int BATTERY_SENSE_PIN = A0;  // select the input pin for the battery sense point
    int oldBatteryPcnt = 0;
    const float ALTITUDE = 59; // <-- adapt this value to your own location's altitude.
    // Sleep time between reads (in seconds). Do not change this value as the forecast algorithm needs a sample every minute.
    const unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 60000; 
    const char *weather[] = { "stable", "sunny", "cloudy", "unstable", "thunderstorm", "unknown" };
    enum FORECAST
      STABLE = 0,     // "Stable Weather Pattern"
      SUNNY = 1,      // "Slowly rising Good Weather", "Clear/Sunny "
      CLOUDY = 2,     // "Slowly falling L-Pressure ", "Cloudy/Rain "
      UNSTABLE = 3,   // "Quickly rising H-Press",     "Not Stable"
      THUNDERSTORM = 4, // "Quickly falling L-Press",    "Thunderstorm"
      UNKNOWN = 5     // "Unknown (More Time needed)
    Adafruit_BMP085 bmp = Adafruit_BMP085();      // Digital Pressure Sensor 
    float lastPressure = -1;
    float lastTemp = -1;
    int lastForecast = -1;
    //float lastTemp;
    float lastHum;
    uint8_t nNoUpdatesTemp;
    uint8_t nNoUpdatesHum;
    //bool metric = true;
    const int LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT = 5;
    float lastPressureSamples[LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT];
    // this CONVERSION_FACTOR is used to convert from Pa to kPa in forecast algorithm
    // get kPa/h be dividing hPa by 10 
    #define CONVERSION_FACTOR (1.0/10.0)
    int minuteCount = 0;
    bool firstRound = true;
    // average value is used in forecast algorithm.
    float pressureAvg;
    // average after 2 hours is used as reference value for the next iteration.
    float pressureAvg2;
    float dP_dt;
    bool metric;
    MyMessage tempMsg(TEMP_CHILD, V_TEMP);
    MyMessage pressureMsg(BARO_CHILD, V_PRESSURE);
    MyMessage forecastMsg(BARO_CHILD, V_FORECAST);
    MyMessage voltageMsg(VOLTAGE_CHILD_ID, V_VOLTAGE);
    MyMessage msgHum(CHILD_ID_HUM, V_HUM);
    DHT dht;
    int lastLightLevel;
    void setup() 
    //Serial.println("Setting Pin Mode to Output");
    //pinMode(LUX_ON, OUTPUT);
    Serial.println("Setup Sensor");
      dht.setup(DHT_DATA_PIN); // set data pin of DHT sensor
      if (UPDATE_INTERVAL <= dht.getMinimumSamplingPeriod()) {
        Serial.println("Warning: UPDATE_INTERVAL is smaller than supported by the sensor!");
      // Sleep for the time of the minimum sampling period to give the sensor time to power up
      // (otherwise, timeout errors might occure for the first reading)
        // use the 1.1 V internal reference
    #if defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
      if (!bmp.begin()) 
        Serial.println("Could not find a valid BMP085 sensor, check wiring!");
        while (1) {}
      metric = getConfig().isMetric;
    void presentation()  {
      // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
      sendSketchInfo("Pressure Sensor", "1.1");
    Serial.println("Present sensors to gateway");
      // Register sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices)
      present(BARO_CHILD, S_BARO);
      present(TEMP_CHILD, S_TEMP);
      present(VOLTAGE_CHILD_ID, S_MULTIMETER, "Battery " );
      present(CHILD_ID_HUM, S_HUM);
      present(CHILD_ID_LIGHT, S_LIGHT_LEVEL);  
     // metric = getConfig().isMetric;
    void loop() 
        int16_t lightLevel = (1023-analogRead(LIGHT_SENSOR_ANALOG_PIN))/10.23;
        if (lightLevel != lastLightLevel) {
            lastLightLevel = lightLevel;
      // Force reading sensor, so it works also after sleep()
      // Get humidity from DHT library
      float humidity = dht.getHumidity();
      if (isnan(humidity)) {
        Serial.println("Failed reading humidity from DHT");
      } else if (humidity != lastHum || nNoUpdatesHum == FORCE_UPDATE_N_READS) {
        // Only send humidity if it changed since the last measurement or if we didn't send an update for n times
        lastHum = humidity;
        // Reset no updates counter
        nNoUpdatesHum = 0;
        send(msgHum.set(humidity, 1));
       #ifdef MY_DEBUG
        Serial.print("H: ");
      } else {
        // Increase no update counter if the humidity stayed the same
      // Sleep for a while to save energy
        // get the battery Voltage
        int sensorValue = analogRead(BATTERY_SENSE_PIN);
    #ifdef MY_DEBUG
        // 1M, 470K divider across battery and using internal ADC ref of 1.1V
        // Sense point is bypassed with 0.1 uF cap to reduce noise at that point
        // ((1e6+470e3)/470e3)*1.1 = Vmax = 3.44 Volts
        // 3.44/1023 = Volts per bit = 0.003363075
        int batteryPcnt = sensorValue / 10;
    #ifdef MY_DEBUG
        float batteryV  = sensorValue * 0.003363075;
        float voltage = sensorValue * 0.003363075;
        Serial.print("Battery Voltage: ");
        Serial.println(" V");
        Serial.print("Battery percent: ");
        Serial.println(" %");
        if (oldBatteryPcnt != batteryPcnt) {
            // Power up radio after sleep
            oldBatteryPcnt = batteryPcnt;
    //    sleep(SLEEP_TIME);
      float pressure = bmp.readSealevelPressure(ALTITUDE) / 100.0;
      float temperature = bmp.readTemperature();
      if (!metric) 
        // Convert to fahrenheit
        temperature = temperature * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0;
      int forecast = sample(pressure);
      Serial.print("Temperature = ");
      Serial.println(metric ? " *C" : " *F");
      Serial.print("Pressure = ");
      Serial.println(" hPa");
      Serial.print("Forecast = ");
      if (temperature != lastTemp) 
        send(tempMsg.set(temperature, 1));
        lastTemp = temperature;
      if (pressure != lastPressure) 
        send(pressureMsg.set(pressure, 0));
        lastPressure = pressure;
      if (forecast != lastForecast)
        lastForecast = forecast;
    float getLastPressureSamplesAverage()
      float lastPressureSamplesAverage = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT; i++)
        lastPressureSamplesAverage += lastPressureSamples[i];
      lastPressureSamplesAverage /= LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT;
      return lastPressureSamplesAverage;
    // Algorithm found here
    // Pressure in hPa -->  forecast done by calculating kPa/h
    int sample(float pressure)
      // Calculate the average of the last n minutes.
      int index = minuteCount % LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT;
      lastPressureSamples[index] = pressure;
      if (minuteCount > 185)
        minuteCount = 6;
      if (minuteCount == 5)
        pressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
      else if (minuteCount == 35)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change * 2; // note this is for t = 0.5hour
          dP_dt = change / 1.5; // divide by 1.5 as this is the difference in time from 0 value.
      else if (minuteCount == 65)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) //first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change; //note this is for t = 1 hour
          dP_dt = change / 2; //divide by 2 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
      else if (minuteCount == 95)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 1.5; // note this is for t = 1.5 hour
          dP_dt = change / 2.5; // divide by 2.5 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
      else if (minuteCount == 125)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        pressureAvg2 = lastPressureAvg; // store for later use.
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 2; // note this is for t = 2 hour
          dP_dt = change / 3; // divide by 3 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
      else if (minuteCount == 155)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 2.5; // note this is for t = 2.5 hour
          dP_dt = change / 3.5; // divide by 3.5 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
      else if (minuteCount == 185)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 3; // note this is for t = 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 4; // divide by 4 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
        pressureAvg = pressureAvg2; // Equating the pressure at 0 to the pressure at 2 hour after 3 hours have past.
        firstRound = false; // flag to let you know that this is on the past 3 hour mark. Initialized to 0 outside main loop.
      int forecast = UNKNOWN;
      if (minuteCount < 35 && firstRound) //if time is less than 35 min on the first 3 hour interval.
        forecast = UNKNOWN;
      else if (dP_dt < (-0.25))
        forecast = THUNDERSTORM;
      else if (dP_dt > 0.25)
        forecast = UNSTABLE;
      else if ((dP_dt > (-0.25)) && (dP_dt < (-0.05)))
        forecast = CLOUDY;
      else if ((dP_dt > 0.05) && (dP_dt < 0.25))
        forecast = SUNNY;
      else if ((dP_dt >(-0.05)) && (dP_dt < 0.05))
        forecast = STABLE;
        forecast = UNKNOWN;
      // uncomment when debugging
      Serial.print(F("Forecast at minute "));
      Serial.print(F(" dP/dt = "));
      Serial.print(F("kPa/h --> "));
      return forecast;

    EDIT: ignore the commented out sections.. i was playing around with powering the sensor off an arduino pin so try and save on power 🙂

  • I dont know what controller you are using but I had similar problems with domoticz when presenting s_light_level and V_Level vs v_light_level. It had to do with domoticz update.

    Thats what came to mind. I didnt find a sketch problem if this wasn't part of your problem.

  • Turns out i had a bad battery...... Must of shorted internally and was causing my arduino to go crazy 👻.
    Node is up and running and reporting perfectly. Power consumption is approx 220uA.
    Reporting temp, humidity, light level , barometer, forecast and battery level.
    Here is the code if anyone wants..................

    CREATED BY J.H 4.3.2020
    REV 2
    // Enable debug prints to serial monitor
    #define MY_DEBUG 
    // Enable and select radio type attached
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    // Define Node ID
    #define MY_NODE_ID 5
    // Includes
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <MySensors.h>  
    #include <Wire.h>
    #include <Adafruit_BMP085.h>
    #include <DHT.h>
    // Pin Defines
    #define DHT_DATA_PIN 2
    #define LUX_ON 5
    // Defines
    #define POWER_ON 1  //  value to write to turn on sensor
    #define POWER_OFF 0 //  value to write to turn off sensor
    #define BARO_CHILD 0
    #define TEMP_CHILD 1
    #define VOLTAGE_CHILD_ID 3
    #define CHILD_ID_HUM 4
    #define CHILD_ID_LIGHT 5
    static const uint64_t UPDATE_INTERVAL = 30000;
    static const uint8_t FORCE_UPDATE_N_READS = 10;
    int BATTERY_SENSE_PIN = A0;  // select the input pin for the battery sense point
    int oldBatteryPcnt = 0;
    const float ALTITUDE = 59; // <-- adapt this value to your own location's altitude.
    // Sleep time between reads (in seconds). Do not change this value as the forecast algorithm needs a sample every minute.
    const unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 60000; 
    const char *weather[] = { "stable", "sunny", "cloudy", "unstable", "thunderstorm", "unknown" };
    enum FORECAST
      STABLE = 0,     // "Stable Weather Pattern"
      SUNNY = 1,      // "Slowly rising Good Weather", "Clear/Sunny "
      CLOUDY = 2,     // "Slowly falling L-Pressure ", "Cloudy/Rain "
      UNSTABLE = 3,   // "Quickly rising H-Press",     "Not Stable"
      THUNDERSTORM = 4, // "Quickly falling L-Press",    "Thunderstorm"
      UNKNOWN = 5     // "Unknown (More Time needed)
    Adafruit_BMP085 bmp = Adafruit_BMP085();      // Digital Pressure Sensor 
    float lastPressure = -1;
    float lastTemp = -1;
    int lastForecast = -1;
    //float lastTemp;
    float lastHum;
    uint8_t nNoUpdatesTemp;
    uint8_t nNoUpdatesHum;
    //bool metric = true;
    const int LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT = 5;
    float lastPressureSamples[LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT];
    // this CONVERSION_FACTOR is used to convert from Pa to kPa in forecast algorithm
    // get kPa/h be dividing hPa by 10 
    #define CONVERSION_FACTOR (1.0/10.0)
    int minuteCount = 0;
    bool firstRound = true;
    // average value is used in forecast algorithm.
    float pressureAvg;
    // average after 2 hours is used as reference value for the next iteration.
    float pressureAvg2;
    float dP_dt;
    bool metric;
    MyMessage tempMsg(TEMP_CHILD, V_TEMP);
    MyMessage pressureMsg(BARO_CHILD, V_PRESSURE);
    MyMessage forecastMsg(BARO_CHILD, V_FORECAST);
    MyMessage voltageMsg(VOLTAGE_CHILD_ID, V_VOLTAGE);
    MyMessage msgHum(CHILD_ID_HUM, V_HUM);
    DHT dht;
    int lastLightLevel;
    void setup() 
    //Serial.println("Setting Pin Mode to Output");
    //pinMode(LUX_ON, OUTPUT);
    Serial.println("Setup Sensor");
      dht.setup(DHT_DATA_PIN); // set data pin of DHT sensor
      if (UPDATE_INTERVAL <= dht.getMinimumSamplingPeriod()) {
        Serial.println("Warning: UPDATE_INTERVAL is smaller than supported by the sensor!");
      // Sleep for the time of the minimum sampling period to give the sensor time to power up
      // (otherwise, timeout errors might occure for the first reading)
        // use the 1.1 V internal reference
    #if defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
      if (!bmp.begin()) 
        Serial.println("Could not find a valid BMP085 sensor, check wiring!");
        while (1) {}
      metric = getConfig().isMetric;
    void presentation()  {
      // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
      sendSketchInfo("Pressure Sensor", "1.1");
    Serial.println("Present sensors to gateway");
      // Register sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices)
      present(BARO_CHILD, S_BARO, "Pressure" );
      present(TEMP_CHILD, S_TEMP, "Temperature" );
      present(VOLTAGE_CHILD_ID, S_MULTIMETER, "Battery" );
      present(CHILD_ID_HUM, S_HUM, "Humidity" );
      present(CHILD_ID_LIGHT, S_LIGHT_LEVEL, "Lux" );  
     // metric = getConfig().isMetric; 
    void loop() 
      ////////// Lux Sensor Code /////////////
        digitalWrite(LUX_ON, POWER_ON); // Power the Lux sensor of Digital Pin to save power
        Serial.print("Sensor Power on pin "); Serial.print(LUX_ON); Serial.print(" is..."); Serial.println((POWER_ON));
        wait(1000); // Wait a second for sensor to power up before reading
        int16_t lightLevel = (1023-analogRead(LIGHT_SENSOR_ANALOG_PIN))/10.23;
            Serial.println("Light Lux Level:");
        if (lightLevel != lastLightLevel) {
            lastLightLevel = lightLevel;
       digitalWrite(LUX_ON, POWER_OFF); // turn it off
       Serial.print("Sensor Power on pin "); Serial.print(LUX_ON); Serial.print(" is..."); Serial.println((POWER_OFF));
      ////////// DHT22 Sensor Code ///////////
      // Force reading sensor, so it works also after sleep()
      // Get humidity from DHT library
      float humidity = dht.getHumidity();
      if (isnan(humidity)) {
        Serial.println("Failed reading humidity from DHT");
      } else if (humidity != lastHum || nNoUpdatesHum == FORCE_UPDATE_N_READS) {
        // Only send humidity if it changed since the last measurement or if we didn't send an update for n times
        lastHum = humidity;
        // Reset no updates counter
        nNoUpdatesHum = 0;
        send(msgHum.set(humidity, 1));
       #ifdef MY_DEBUG
        Serial.print("Humidity: ");
      } else {
        // Increase no update counter if the humidity stayed the same
      // Sleep for a while to save energy
      ////////// Battery Reporting Code ///////////
        // get the battery Voltage
        int sensorValue = analogRead(BATTERY_SENSE_PIN);
    #ifdef MY_DEBUG
        // 1M, 470K divider across battery and using internal ADC ref of 1.1V
        // Sense point is bypassed with 0.1 uF cap to reduce noise at that point
        // ((1e6+470e3)/470e3)*1.1 = Vmax = 3.44 Volts
        // 3.44/1023 = Volts per bit = 0.003363075
        int batteryPcnt = sensorValue / 10;
    #ifdef MY_DEBUG
        float batteryV  = sensorValue * 0.003363075;
        float voltage = sensorValue * 0.003363075;
        Serial.print("Battery Voltage: ");
        Serial.println(" V");
        Serial.print("Battery percent: ");
        Serial.println(" %");
        if (oldBatteryPcnt != batteryPcnt) {
            // Power up radio after sleep
            oldBatteryPcnt = batteryPcnt;
    //    sleep(SLEEP_TIME);
      ////////// BMP180 Pressure Sensor Code ///////////
      float pressure = bmp.readSealevelPressure(ALTITUDE) / 100.0;
      float temperature = bmp.readTemperature();
      if (!metric) 
        // Convert to fahrenheit
        temperature = temperature * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0;
      int forecast = sample(pressure);
      Serial.print("Temperature = ");
      Serial.println(metric ? " *C" : " *F");
      Serial.print("Pressure = ");
      Serial.println(" hPa");
      Serial.print("Forecast = ");
      if (temperature != lastTemp) 
        send(tempMsg.set(temperature, 1));
        lastTemp = temperature;
      if (pressure != lastPressure) 
        send(pressureMsg.set(pressure, 0));
        lastPressure = pressure;
      if (forecast != lastForecast)
        lastForecast = forecast;
    float getLastPressureSamplesAverage()
      float lastPressureSamplesAverage = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT; i++)
        lastPressureSamplesAverage += lastPressureSamples[i];
      lastPressureSamplesAverage /= LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT;
      return lastPressureSamplesAverage;
      ////////// Forecast Algorithm ///////////
    int sample(float pressure)
      // Calculate the average of the last n minutes.
      int index = minuteCount % LAST_SAMPLES_COUNT;
      lastPressureSamples[index] = pressure;
      if (minuteCount > 185)
        minuteCount = 6;
      if (minuteCount == 5)
        pressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
      else if (minuteCount == 35)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change * 2; // note this is for t = 0.5hour
          dP_dt = change / 1.5; // divide by 1.5 as this is the difference in time from 0 value.
      else if (minuteCount == 65)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) //first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change; //note this is for t = 1 hour
          dP_dt = change / 2; //divide by 2 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
      else if (minuteCount == 95)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 1.5; // note this is for t = 1.5 hour
          dP_dt = change / 2.5; // divide by 2.5 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
      else if (minuteCount == 125)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        pressureAvg2 = lastPressureAvg; // store for later use.
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 2; // note this is for t = 2 hour
          dP_dt = change / 3; // divide by 3 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
      else if (minuteCount == 155)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 2.5; // note this is for t = 2.5 hour
          dP_dt = change / 3.5; // divide by 3.5 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
      else if (minuteCount == 185)
        float lastPressureAvg = getLastPressureSamplesAverage();
        float change = (lastPressureAvg - pressureAvg) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
        if (firstRound) // first time initial 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 3; // note this is for t = 3 hour
          dP_dt = change / 4; // divide by 4 as this is the difference in time from 0 value
        pressureAvg = pressureAvg2; // Equating the pressure at 0 to the pressure at 2 hour after 3 hours have past.
        firstRound = false; // flag to let you know that this is on the past 3 hour mark. Initialized to 0 outside main loop.
      int forecast = UNKNOWN;
      if (minuteCount < 35 && firstRound) //if time is less than 35 min on the first 3 hour interval.
        forecast = UNKNOWN;
      else if (dP_dt < (-0.25))
        forecast = THUNDERSTORM;
      else if (dP_dt > 0.25)
        forecast = UNSTABLE;
      else if ((dP_dt > (-0.25)) && (dP_dt < (-0.05)))
        forecast = CLOUDY;
      else if ((dP_dt > 0.05) && (dP_dt < 0.25))
        forecast = SUNNY;
      else if ((dP_dt >(-0.05)) && (dP_dt < 0.05))
        forecast = STABLE;
        forecast = UNKNOWN;
      // uncomment when debugging
      Serial.print(F("Forecast at minute "));
      Serial.print(F(" dP/dt = "));
      Serial.print(F("kPa/h --> "));
      return forecast;

  • Mod

    Great work @JCH, thanks for reporting back and for sharing the sketch.

  • So after running this weather station for a few weeks i decided to switch out the lux sensor for a soil moisture sensor without modifying the code....
    The readings are working but they are very up and down.... they are not a steady decline..... how are people measuring the analog values of soil moisture ?

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