Ghost Child

  • Hello,
    It's a Nano that is connected to my rasberry pi3 by usb key, declared in domotcz 2024.7, I see somes Child Ghost appearing, below only child 0, 1 and 2 are declared, so where do the others come from.
    Capture d'écran 2025-03-15 083233.png

    An idea? thanks in advance.

  • @FcNanoLed I'm a Home Assistant (HA) user so I don't know if this is applicable to you.

    I am assuming here, because your nano is connected to your RPi through a USB port that your nano is running MySensors Gateway code. I believe that both gateway and node code has to have a radio connected to start. So I assume this, too.

    The source could be an errant RF signal caused this, though unlikely.

    Ghost devices in HA also show up when a device gets assigned a new node on a reboot, or were deleted improperly, eg. not deleted using the controller environment.

    In either case, what has to be done in HA is basically remove all vestiges of the MySensors environment best you can.

    • Ensure that the code on the device(s) that has the sensors (child) is(are) working properly
    • Power down this(these) device(s)
    • if you have a gateway, stop or power it down
    • Delete this(these) device(s) from the host program
    • Delete the integration (this is what the code running in the Controller is called in HA)
    • If you use MQTT, use a program like MQTT Explorer to remove all vestiges of MySensors.
    • reboot the Controller (HA in my case)
    • reinstall the integration
    • restart the gateway
    • At this point you may still see the ghost!
      ** list itemFor each ghost, create a device that looks like the ghost then delete it using the controller interface.
      ** Then reboot the host again.
    • finally reconnect all of your valid devices.

    Yes, it is a pain in the ***! Has a lot to do with recoving after a power failure, backups and trying to accomodate all possible scenarios.

    Hope this helps


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