Hi @edoardoo
I actually stumbled on your post a couple of weeks ago! Great writeup!
We certainly need contributors. We need help with everything from the visualisation of sensordata in the frontend (considering using d3.js) to mqtt/node.js backend for receiving and processing sensor data.
Please contact me or Johan for further discussions.
@Feliw05 Selecting the "right" controller is of course a matter of opinion and depends how far you want to go into the homeautomation swamp . Normally i don't give advice like this (and i agree with @mfalkvidd - It's great to discuss with a friend!) but here a my 2 cents... I think i've tried them all in the table but i always return to 2 alternatives: homeassistant and domoticz. If you want the fastest way to get started with good trend charts i still think Domoticz is a great choise. The UI is not the prettiest (even if you can fix that by setting up custom dashboards like dashticz or so) but it's very functional and i think it has a good default setup with trendlines per sensor for day/month/year using highcharts. I have a few weather station systems running remote and then i use domoticz in docker containers on off site servers (but i've also had it running on rasberry PIs). Very light weight.
Another alternative (maybe obvious) is homeassistant but it might be a bit overwelming since it's very flexible and can be run in so many different ways so you will find tons of howtos that doesn't work anymore. It has a very active community that isn't afraid of changing core concepts when needed which is both a strength and sometimes a weakness. For my personal homeautomation i have moved over completely to homeassistant and it's possible to create beautiful dashboards with little effort. Is has integrations for more or less everything and if not there will be soon or you can add it yourself.
Example dashboard that i have in the house with car heating/charging, cameras and tons of sensors and zigbee devices. Actually used and appretiated by everyone in the house
It's a bumpier ride at least at first but i think homeassistant wins in the long run - and it's open source!
@monte said in Best choise for a controller:
@neverdie but isn't Docker more efficient and simple solution compared to a VM? Considering it will be used for single process anyway.
Yes, I think you're right.
great idea for that translation from homie to mysensors and back.
but I think it would be a better approach, if mysensors would have the ability to "speak" homie-convention in MQTT optionally (e.g. #MY_GATEWAY_MQTT_HOMIE)
that would eliminate the need of tweaking on an extra binding and let mysensors talk an IOT-standard
Hi dzairo,
Just wondering if you still monitor this thread. If so would love to know how to install the ComPort component so I can modify and use your terminal code. For some reason I don't have any luck with adding it to the IDE.
thanks, Andy.