MysensorsInformation, a NRF24 sniffer in a webpage

  • Recently I've created the MysensorListener and I found that Ivo had created a nice sniffer that I wanted to use within this project as well.

    The sniffer project shows raw captured NRF24 packages, just like the version of Ivo, but uses a webpage for this instead of wireshark.
    The benefits of using a website vs the output to pipe - wireshark option is that I can now match the sender, destination and sensor information against my Vera3 environment, i.e., the information shown is more understandable for me as a human ^^

    An example of the output:
    Example output

    The project can be downloaded from github and can run without any dependencies on a Windows platform.
    For Linux and Mac you will need to install .NET runtime 1.0.0-rc1-update1

    The settings, like serial port name and speed, can be modified in the appsettings.json file located in approot\src\MysensorsInformation.
    Setup the Arduino with NRF24L01+ as explained on my blog Setting up the Arduino NRF24Sniffer (it is almost identical as Ivo's version except that I use text output)
    From the approot folder, run the web command (web.cmd on Windows and web on linux/mac) to fire-up the application.
    alt text
    Browse to http://localhost:5000 and enjoy the information flying around your ears ^^

    Complete documentation and description can be found on my blog.

  • Admin

    Ver nice indeed! The blog address seems to be wrong (you might need to add a http:// on the .gl address).

  • Fixed the url, didnt check it after I posted it ^^

    If someone has information how it runs on a linux/mac, please let me know. As I'm not sure if the application would run with ttyUSB1 or something like that as the serial port name.

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