What is the difference between arduino nano (FT232 chip) and arduino nano CH340 chip ?
can i use a arduino nano with ch340 Instead of arduino nano with FT232 chip for my gateway and my sensors ? without any change in code and any things ?
The FT232 and the CH340 are both serial to usb ICs.
The CH340 is often used on Chinese Arduino clones.There is no difference on the user side, expect that you need to download and install drivers on windows for the CH340. (On Linux included)
Personally i'm happy that they are switching to the ch430 instead of using ftdi ft232 clones.
@Oitzu I am only not sure whether Vera supports CH340.
so , can I use ch340 for mysensors and my gateway ? do anybody test this?
@Reza what controller are you using? Its all a matter of, if the host-system can handle the ch340 ic.
Vera can only handle a genuine FTDI chip (why they don't fix this is really a Vera support question). It has been mentioned a few times on the main site and on the Vera controller page.
If you use a controller running on RPI or some other modern OS it usually recognises the ch340 modules just fine.
thank you, I have a vera edge controller .
I am using an arduino uno as gateway and my sensors are the chip arduino minipro with the ch340 , but you do need the ch340 programer and drivers $6 dollars at amazon
@oscarc said:
I am using an arduino uno as gateway and my sensors are the chip arduino minipro with the ch340 , but you do need the ch340 programer and drivers $6 dollars at amazon
hi , so you can use ch340 chip for your sensors and your actuator without any problem? just your gateway is a ft232 chip ?
that is correct
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