Is this possible? MQTT & Node request...
Evening all,
I'm currently using the MQTT client on an ESP8266. I have a number of sensors deployed using a mixture of Nano's and Mini's.
I'd like to know if this is possible:
Node 1 - Rain Sensor (Digital input) / Soil Sensor (Digital Input) / Light Sensor
Node 2 (Sleeps and wakes every 10 minutes) - Relay
I'd like Node 2 to wake and check either the values of node 1, or alternatively check a source such as NodeRED for the values. Based on the values open / close the relay.
Currently I have the MQTT client connected to Mosquitto.
Yes, it is possible to send a request-message to any node (see api).
But your Node1 have to answer Node2's requests-messages manually in its incomingMessage-method. As The MySensors library doesn't keep any last state by itself.
Hello @hek
Thank you for the reply, and the amazing MySensors.
Do you think I could have Node2 request some kind of status from NodeRed for example, rather than the Node directly?
Sure, if NodeRed can keep the state and answer req-messages. I don't know the full capabilities of NodeRed.
@Mark-Swift check this for node-to-node communication as @hek said setup a database in nodered to save the values received from node-1 and you could request that from node-2