Send heartbeat message from Vera
is there anyway to send this message ?
I'm not so Luup script expert but i think it should be able, anyone ?
anyone ?
No clue... dont have vera but is this something?
I found that the following luup command send the variable V_VAR5 with payload (value=2):
luup.call_action("urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1", "SendCommand", {radioId="1;255", variableId="VAR_5", value=2}, 98)
is there any way to send the subtype message I_HEARTBEAT ?
@Lior-Rubin What you can do is on your Vera (UI5 but should work on UI7):
- Create a "Hearthbeat" scene
- Add a scene "Schedule" on the heartbeat interval you like say: "Interval based: Every 1 hour"
- On the Luup-tab fill in this command
luup.call_action("urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1", "SendCommand", {radioId="2;255", variableId="VAR_5", value=2}, 98)
- Confirm the new scene
- Save changes to let restart your Luup engine
There is no such thing as a I_HEARTBEAT (nor a V_HEARTBEAT) look on this page for the available sub-types (skip the V_ in your variableId-string)
Your MySensors node (in the example with ID 2) should handle the incoming message with sub-type V_VAR5
ID 1 (radioID 1) will not work this is reserved for the gateway
The vera plugin hasn't been updated with the most recent additions (like the I_HEARTBEAT) yet. But as @barte says, you can basically send anything to the node.
@hek I'm aware of all you says.
Is there any roadmap for the Vera Plugin ?I think that the plugin need to get attention...
No roadmap for the Vera plugin at the moment. I_HEARTBEAT will be documented on the main site when 2.0 is released.
@BartE has done a great job implementing new sensor types on Vera. Creating a new sensor type is a fun and pretty isolated development task. Additional maintainers is always welcome.