Repeater node stops sending sensor info
I have an issue where a node stops sending sensor info after a while.
I do not have a log (yet) but i am wondering if a range issue would cause this.
Which reasons could cause a node stop sending info to the gateway?If needed i can made a log later as i need my laptop connected to it and i cannot reach it at the moment.
@tlpeter a flowchart for diagnosing the most common problems (range and power) is available at
That is quick
I will check ik out later.
I think it is a power issue.
When connected to my laptop by USB (nano 5V) i have no major issues but i see this in the beginning:
TSM:PDTAfter using a phone charger it takes a long time before the node is seen within Domoticz.
Right now i use a 4,7uF capacitor.
Would replacing the capacitor with a 100uF makes sense?
@tlpeter it couldn't hurt. But it also depends on how you power the radio and all of the other components. In my experience the only thing you should power directly from the Arduino is the radio and even that is arguable. All other sensors e.t.c. should be powered by an external adapter.
I agree on that but could it be the same power supply?
In this case it is a 5V 2A phone charger which should be fine in my honest opinion.
All i have on this node is a radio and a rainsensor like this.
@tlpeter the same adapter should be fine. And 2A sounds more than sufficient to me
You could use an LE33 regulator for powering the radio from your adapter. Or you could use a buck converter. A buck converter is really cheap and requires little knowledge of electronics. You do need a multi meter for tuning the buck converter.
I think i will invest in suck a buck converter.
There is still plenty coming over from China so many projects to build and i rather do it right the first time.
Ha ha, just saw that i already ordered some LE33 converters
I forgot about those.
@tlpeter Took me a while to find a circuit for the LE33. I use a 0.1 uf keramic capacitor between VIN and GND and a 2.2uf elco between gnd and VOUT. That does the job for me in terms of keeping a stable circuit.