RFM69 GatewayW5100 radio init fail.

  • Hero Member

    I cannot get the GatewayW5100 working with RFM69 radion. If I use NRF24L01+ it is working fine. Also if I don't use any radio it is working fine but as soon as I include the RFM69 radio I get TSM:INIT:TSP FAIL.

    Here is how I connected the radio:
    Arduino__RFM69 Radio____Ethernet module
    11________________________ MOSI/SI
    10________________________ SS/CS
    A2_____ MISO
    A1_____ MOSI
    A0_____ SCK
    6______ NSS
    2______ DI00

    I checked the radio on a normal node and then it is initializing just fine so the radio seems ok. Might be something with the SOFT SPI but I can not figure out what.

    Has anyone done this GW combination on MySensors 2.0.1?

    Also I had to include SPI.h to the GatewayW5100 example to get it to compile (is there something wrong in my library setup?)

  • Admin


    If I remember right, soft-spi is not available for RFM69.. So W5100 with RFM69 is not possible with atmega328.

    (The new Mysensors GW that is coming very soon now, will be able to do it though :))

  • Hero Member

    Thanks for letting me know. The good news is that I did not do anything wrong. The bad news is that I need to rethink everything or wait for the Mysensors GW. Automating a new building on my property an I want to use Ethernet GW and RF69. Maybe I can use an ESP if the wait is to long?

  • Admin


    I hope that we can get the new gateway on the market very soon now.. Only waiting for price negotiations with Itead..

  • Hero Member

    I will be the first in line to get the GW.

    I found and old discussion about this same issue here
    Witch lead me to this GitHub Library

    But I was unable to get it to work using this also (I just don't know what I'm doing poking around inside Libraries changing files).

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