
  • Admin

    After a few months of development and data migrations we can now proudly present the new

    The old site was a mess to keep updated (basically a bunch of hard-coded html pages).

    The new site will allow our core team and editors to give the site more life and content. We share the backend with, so any community created projects or articles can easily be exposed on

    We will be adding a lot of new threads here in the announcement section (separate comment-threads for the articles). Sorry for the mess it may create in your unread-count.

    We know a few pages still is sourly missing (like OTA and Raspberry install instruction), but we'll be adding them soon.

    We urge you to start documenting your projects on Many of them will end up in the build or hardware section of the main site.


  • Looks good 🙂
    Keep up the good work
    Just wondering that my middle mouse button wont open tabs in Firefox in this new gui? referring to the boxes below "Newest Articles" and for "Recently Updated"

  • Admin

    Yep, they got onClick events. I'll see if I can get them working by adding regular hrefs.

  • Admin

    Ok, you should be able to middle click the title now.

  • @hek
    Thank you Henrik 🙂
    I just love when I can easily middle click and all interesting topics are opening in a new tab, loading the content so they are ready to be read 🙂

  • Hero Member

    @hek and team - New site looks great! Well done!

  • looks great and it´s easier to find tutorials and How-to´s.

    What I am missing is a "Search in topic" field. I know there is a button in the profile´s settings menu, but it´s not easy to find when you don´t know where to look for it. Also it does not work for me/my browser (Firefox): I am getting a "Error - no-plugins-available" message...

  • Admin

    Thanks @siod,

    Upgrading the forum (and look for a better search plugin) is on my todo-lis .

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