Is HTTPS request from LUUP code possible?
Does anyone know if I can make HTTPS request from luup code with cookie support?
I would login to my pages on Verisure website and get the alarm status to be used in automation as home/away switch. I can do this successfully with two wget HTTPS calls: 1) login and 2) access status page with cookies that store the session authentication. But no luck so far with luup.So can that even be done with lua from a scene with luup code?
@hek Do you know who could know if saving the cookies is possible with https POST request in luup code?
Hmm.. this thread might give you a hint on how to do ssl requests from lua. Setting cookies is just a matter of setting the cookie header.,17627.0.html
But it will require some hacking to pick up the cookie response from the login request and forward it.
Thanks @hek
I got it working with CURL:
local pw = 'xxx' local un = 'xxx' --login request local url_1 = '' local command_1 = "curl -c '/tmp/log/cmh/cookie.txt' -d 'j_username="..un.."&j_password="" "..url_1 local f_1 = assert(io.popen(command_1, 'r')) local response_1 = assert(f_1:read('*a')) f_1:close(f_1) luup.log("Verisure login response: "..response_1) --armed status request local url_2 = '' local command_2 = "curl -k -b '/tmp/log/cmh/cookie.txt' "..url_2 local f_2 = assert(io.popen(command_2, 'r')) local response_2 = assert(f_2:read('*a')) f_2:close(f_2) luup.log("Verisure status response: "..response_2)
This returns the alarm status of Verisure system:
[{"date":"Today 8:47 PM","notAllowedReason":"","name":"Samppa Turunen","changeAllowed":true,"id":1,"label":"Armed stay","type":"ARM_STATE","status":"armedhome"}]
Now I need to parse the response string into a variable.
Then I could make a device for it to be used as home / away switch.
What would be the easiest example to start packaging the code into a device file for Vera? This would be my very first handmade device..
I would have a look at one of the existing plugins to get some inspiration... that's how I learned the device file format and "normal" structure of Vera plugins.
@samppa This is very interesting, did you Manage to get this to work? Could you please share?