💬 CM1k Breakout Board -- Neuromorphic Chip
Hi, I have some trouble finding the components (see BOM) on Mouser. I'm a beginner, so I don't know what 0207W or CMOS SMD means (and can't find that on the site).
What kind of practical applications are there for this?
@NeverDie The CM1k chip can store over 1000 patterns associated with user-input categories. When in recognition mode, the chip compares a new input pattern to all of the stored patterns simultaneously, and outputs the best match. The practical applications are enormous -- allowing robots or other systems to recognize patterns almost instantly (visual, auditory, or other medium) and respond appropriately -- essential for self-driving vehicles, fully autonomous robotics, gesture-computer interfaces, brain-computer interfaces, complex environmental control systems, etc.
The terms that you refer to are footprint/package specifications (size, shape).
Here are links to the above components on digikey:
CMOS SMD (oscillator)
http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/epson/SG7050CAN-27.000000M-TJGA3/SER3999CT-ND/51750910207W (120 ohm resistor)
http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/tt-electronics-welwyn/WRM0207C-120RFI/985-1466-1-ND/36480190207W (2.7k ohm resistor)