Well I'm lost

  • I really don't know where to start

    I have read the good manual in My Sensors and am using a vera3 with ui7
    I think I have loaded the 10 Arduino files needed to create the Vera plug in (1.4?) by using the manual and uploading to Vera3 and using "CreateDevice " as directed.
    Built the serial gateway and uploaded the "serial usb"sketch to the nano (non name brand) in Chrome on laptop then inserted into usb port on vera.
    Device was created and that is all I can see
    Going to the serial port config there is nothing there to config.

    If I do all this on my veralite ui5, I get the same as in "Lua Startup Failure" thread in this vera section.
    I see Plug in version 1.3 and no lib version. And not able to use the start function as device is not ready.

    My Veralite is located remotely so this is as far as I think I can take it without being at it's location.

    So for starters how do I know what version of the plug in is in the My Sensors controller pages.

    What am I doing wrong and or why am I so dumb.

    I have been reading both mcv forum and there for a few days and am getting a good education but must be missing some basics.

    The joys of being older!!

    Any help would be most welcome.

  • I do not see how to upload any of my screen shots to this forum

    Man I feel dumb.

  • Admin

    Upload images by drag-and-drop image in the compose window. Max size 2 Mb or so.

    The plugin version you can download directly from controller pages is the latest (1.4). If you want an older version you have to to to github and select an older tagged version using the "branches"-button.

    Always good to look in the serial console while your arduino is connected to the computer to get a feeling of what is happening inside the little thing.

  • If you can't figure out how to post pics here, post them in the Vera Forum. Has anyone tried to help you there?

    I'm on ui5 so i'm not sure how much help I can be with UI7.

    UI5 was easy to get files installed and loaded and create a new device. I didn't get any startup error. But I did run into my NANO not creating a serial port in Vera so there was no option for me to make the association. Sounds like you might no have even gotten that far if you don't get a serial error.

    Even without the serial connected to the VERA or the sketch on the serial nano. you should still get VERA to take the plugin and not get a start up error. You will how ever get a serial port error.

    So I think your problem is VERA only at this point, having to do with the upload files and new device.

    Post some screen shots so we can confirm tho.

  • ![Screenshot (10).png]Screenshot (11).png (/uploads/upload-41222fba-379a-4ba6-8c15-6c38c59bd00c.png)

    These are two of the screen shots I have the blue bar at the top shows two issues I can't resolve.

    Thanks for the info on how to load screen shots HEK !

  • Screenshot (10).png

  • Hero Member

    @5546dug said:

    his on my veralite ui5, I get the same as in "Lua Startup Failure" thread in this vera section.
    I see Plug in version 1.3 and no lib version. And not able to use the start function as device is not ready.

    My Veralite is located remotely so this is

    Ive not used UI7 serial gateway...but can you see the serial port being detected?
    Goto Apps/Develop Apps/Serial Port Configuration on UI7

  • Screenshot (13).png

    This is what I get on the serial port config

  • Hero Member

    Ok thats good...( assuming your serial gw is the only device plugged into Vera) - so you need to now set the "Used by device" field and change it to your "my gateway" device.

    and then reload Luup.

  • Screenshot (14).png

    I don't have a" my gateway" under "Used by Device" but have "My Sensors plug in" as shown in screenshot

    Selected my sensors from the list and reloaded.

    Still have a " not detected" looking under the device banner, wrote in red and the vera3 is very fast blinking on the usb port serial gw is connected to.

  • Hero Member

    Ok - that is the correct device.
    Pull the power from the Vera ( hard restart) and see if it loads the plugin then.

  • deleted gw from vera and reinstalled new device called it my sensor

    logged out of vera and back in and was able to get to serial port config and pick "my sensor",
    this time was able to set the baud to 115200 and then reload luup

    the blue strip at top then said loading a device I/o and then dissappered.

    going under device tab I still see in red writing "Cant detect device!" and still in ver 1.3

    no number under lib ver.

    after hard start there is no plugin or port config
    by pulling usb out of vera and replacing it got me back to same spot ( with portconfiged but not detecting device. ) all I have is nano + radio and with serial software uploaded.

  • I blame UI7 and have no idea why people use it. So many problems and I haven't found one advantage or UI5 yet.

  • @integlikewhoa said:

    I blame UI7 and have no idea why people use it. So many problems and I haven't found one advantage or UI5 yet.

    I bought a new VERA (First one) and it was set to UI7.... I guess the big deal is to get the auto update flag turned off by support and then resetup with UI5. Sounds like support is taking their time. I'll try and see if a chat button magically appears during their working hours and downgrade myself. It works for what I'm using so far, but haven't added the MySensors. Definitely don't want to have to deal with a mess there.

    @5546dug You can find more info here: http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,26766.0.html

  • Hero Member

    @shawn_ky said:

    as set to UI7.... I guess the big deal is to get the auto update flag turned off by support and then resetup with UI5. Sounds like support is taking their time. I'll try and see if a chat button magically appears during their working hours and downgrade myself. It works for what I'm using so far, but haven't added the MySensors. Definitely don't want to have to deal with a mess there.

    • Are you using version 1.3 of the plugin AND the mysensors library/sketch you deployed on the arduino NANO?

    • if you like send the links from where you downloaded the software. Also how long ago did you d/l them? ( as i thought Hek made it quite a clean cutover from 1.3 to 1.4 on the website. But if you used links from micasaverde forum then you may very well have old versions.

    Any reason why you are using 1.3, and not 1.4 ?

  • I just used the plugin that is offered on my sensors website.
    I did not see the files from 1.4 in the drop down list used to create device.

    The word I was looking for last night was the usb light on the front of vera was fluttering as opposed to rapid blinking.

  • Well here we go again
    now at remote veralite with ui5 running win 8.1

    I have deleted all the old "MySensors Plugin" and started new.
    Same old thing, I get setup with ver 1.3 and no lib #
    I reloaded the files from my sensors vera page using the gitrepo have since bought a gravitech nano .

    My files under /users/.../arduino/ show two things not sure about there is file in there called arduino-master with all the libraries under /libraries/. Also there is file MySensors with / all the 1.4 lib version.
    Additionally, there is a file arduino/vera-master/ containing all the files from gitrepo but it is coming as ver 1.3
    also now after setting new device plugin for nano in ui5 when I go to set the config for serial port under used by device all there is is "MySensors Plugin" which I accepted and saved and up dated.
    Tried to reboot the vera and also to reset the nano.

    I'm running out of hair to pull!!

  • @5546dug did you download Vera files from this website? There is "Download ZIP" button on the right side. Extract those files and upload one by one to Veralite. After that is done you should have Mysensors plugin under your Devices tab (same as on photo below except Lib version should stay blank until Veralite starts communicating with serial gateway).


  • I believe that is what I have done,
    I extracted the files and uploaded to veralite and I get version 1.3

    Is there a way to delete these lua files on the veralite so to start fresh?

    These files were extracted to folder aurduino/vera-master
    then up to the vera if I purge 1.3 maybe 1.4 will populate veralte?

  • thanks for your time @niccodemi

  • @5546dug Delete Mysensors plugin. You don't have to delete lua files from Vera; just upload new ones (from previous link).

    As for deleting files from vera I believe you would have to ssh in vera.


  • ok will try this now @niccodemi

  • just thinking out loud Would this be best done using chrome or internet explorer browser?
    I downloaded the zip from gitrepo with chrome but may have used ie to upload to veralite.

  • If I can get the veralite ui5 to work with 1.4 plugin then the vera3 will be reset to ui5 until ui7 is a little more stable and friendly.
    I just need one system and a little hair!

  • @5546dug said:

    just thinking out loud Would this be best done using chrome or internet explorer browser?
    I downloaded the zip from gitrepo with chrome but may have used ie to upload to veralite.

    I don't think it should matter.

  • this is silly--- reloaded the files one by one from laptop to veralite and got the same thing ver 1.3 with no library ver.

  • just uploaded again from my files on laptop to the vera lua files as shown on my sensors
    I did them one by one it says upload ok
    create new device config serial port and there it is again! ver 1.3 and no lib version

    red banner " Lua startup failure"

  • @5546dug I guess you are uploading wrong files or something is wrong with vera. Did you try removing Mysensors plugin and rebooting (not just reloading) vera before uploading new files?

    Anyway if you want to remove files from vera check this thread and this one on how to get your ssh password. Maybe you could also ask MIOS support to remove files for you.

  • ok progress

    I Do need to upload the vera plugin file sto veralite with chrome,
    Under the Devices page the device MySensors Plugin was created showing
    plugin ver 1.4
    lib ver
    so looking at the serial config there was not any
    research on this site under /Lost USB/ Serial Port on Vera3 again
    @blacey gave advice to @clippermiami on how he acheves usb connection
    unplug usb>reload>plug usb>reload> set config for port
    now I have port set for gw/vera communications
    no lib version yet
    I know the files are in folder Users/Arduino/libraries/Mysensors/
    also using nano v3.0 from gravitech and not clone

    next step(s)

  • Ok So this seems to be the end

    After the last post I went by the veralite and saw the inclusion light fluttering

    What the heck I pressed the reset button on the nano and then the plus on veralite and left it alone
    opened the vera a little later see ver 1.4
    lib 1.4

    looks like success for now

    thanks to you who responded to my plight and those who posted other issuses on this site.
    I did not know about inclusion for the gw

    Nowtosee if I can get a device to be recognized by vera

    keep you informed

  • so an update for the veralite ui5

    built and installed the humidity sensor
    used the my sensor library/humidity and uploaded this to second nano with radio and as the instructions on adding new sensors on the vera plugin page on "My Sensors"/vera,
    got the node to be recognized by vera and created three nodes!
    main, humidity and temp.

    Man this is neat

    so thanks again for all your posts on these pages very good help

    Guess now it is time to set vera3 back to ui5 until I here ui7 is better than now.
    But before doing so will see if the ui7 will let this node be accepted and stop the red "No device detected" banner.

  • good to hear that you got it working. Let us know how it goes on ui7.

  • well no suprises it did not work sooo,
    reverted to ui5 and after micasa intervention got back-- to normal and starting to rebui;ld all on vera3

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