Codebender - Google Chrome - Windows 7
Hello, installed Codebender successfully, however any codebender programming boxes keep telling me to install it.
Searched the net and cannot find much info.
Chrome Version 39.0.2171.62 beta-m (64-bit)
Windows 7Anyone else having issues, or have some suggestions for me?
This page might help:
I just get a cycle of the below picture at that address, despite having the plugin installed, and having rebooted. Happens on this PC, and my work PC, both running WIndows 7 and same version of Chrome. Just going to use Firefox for my MySensors stuff, unless anyone else has some suggestions.
Strange. You might wanna contact the codebender-people and file a bug-report.
I dont think it works with 64bit Chrome. - it didnt for me...
I switched back to 32bit Chrome and it works again.
Thanks, that was it!