[Solved] Support for S_MULTIMETER and V_VOLTAGE in Vera

  • Can anyone confirm if S_MULTIMETER and V_VOLTAGE are supported in Vera?

    L_Arduino.lua indicates it is supported

    Whereas Selecting a Controller, indicates it is not supported


    MyMessage msgVolt(CHILD_ID_VOLTAGE, V_VOLTAGE);



    The Multimeter device is created
    0_1497189592394_Multimeter blank.JPG
    but the values are blank.

    The Vera log shows the 'Voltage' value is being sent with the correct value

    50      06/11/17 14:25:48.875   luup_log:78: Arduino: Set variable: 1;0;1;0;38;4.79 <0x2ebbe680>
    50      06/11/17 14:25:48.876   luup_log:78: Arduino: Setting variable 'Voltage' to value '4.79' <0x2ebbe680>
    50      06/11/17 14:25:48.876   luup_log:78: Arduino: urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1,Voltage, 4.79, 87 <0x2ebbe680>

    Is it possible to get this to appear in the Multimeter device?

  • I have loaded a Github repo to the Vera branch to fix this. The problem is the service references in the D_Multimeter1.json file. Edit this file and change all 6 references of urn:arduino-cc:serviceId: to urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:

    Then reload the LUUP file (D_Multimeter1.json) in VERA - APPS - DEVELOP APPS - LUUP FILES. Restart the LUUP Engine and the values will now correctly appear.

    You can also see the pull request here: https://github.com/mysensors/Vera/pull/57/commits/695dfefaca0b3c7c3529242132a0902de9ec212f

  • @itbeyond said in Support for S_MULTIMETER and V_VOLTAGE in Vera:


    Excellent, now working thanks
    0_1497265754361_Multimeter working.JPG

    I have commented accordingly on your pull request.

  • Contest Winner

    Does anyone know why the three value are not show in the "data_request?id=lu_sdata" output?

    It only outputs default values:

          "name": "MyMulti",
          "altid": "12;1",
          "id": 346,
          "category": 12,
          "subcategory": -1,
          "room": 0,
          "parent": 64

    While i would expect

          "name": "MyMulti",
          "altid": "12;1",
          "id": 346,
          "category": 12,
          "subcategory": -1,
          "room": 0,
          "parent": 64,
          "Impedance": 0,
          "Current": 0,
          "Voltage": 4.89

    I'm looking for a solution quite some time now, but I somehow miss a problem.

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