MySensors Controller

  • Hi.
    I want to setup the MySensors Controller and start to collect data, I'm not that interested in gui stuff at the moment. I followed the instructions on github,, but I'm not sure I got it right.

    First, how do I connect the serial gateway to the Pi? Usb to usb or usb to GPIO? The mysensors site state one thing and github another or I don't understand that the are the same.
    Second, do I need the OTA stuff to get it to work if I only want to collect some data? I dont see the point but I might have missed something.


  • Hero Member

    First, how do I connect the serial gateway to the Pi? Usb to usb or usb to GPIO?

    If you make the serial gateway using an Arduino Nano you can just connect the USB of the Nano to the USB of you Raspberry Pi; you should see it using lsusb as:

    ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC

    An it should enumerate as ttyUSB, but better try "ls /dev/serial/by-id/"

    Second, do I need the OTA stuff to get it to work if I only want to collect some data? I dont see the point but I might have missed something.

    No it is not needed. The OTA stuff is meant for Over-The-Air updates.

  • Thanks.
    Then I know I'm on the right track. Looks as if I'm getting something from the gateway in the log but nothing from the temp node yet. Need to investigate more.

    I figured out the Over the Air just could not see if it was relevant for some reason.


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