controller just with the ethernet shiled
Hi, is there any solution to control my sensor network from the internet with a controller placed directly on the gataway (arduino+eth shield), In other words I want to controll my network from the internet without using PC, Raspberry o other different from arduino platform
You could potentially expose your ethernet gateway directly to internet but it is not advisable as there is zero level of security/authentication build in.
The Arduino platform has no muscles to serve encrypted SSL so you would probably want something else "fronting" it. Like a controller of your choice.
in other terms, there is no android application to manage mysensors network just with arduino and ethernet shield connected to internet? someting like souliss for example?
Nope. If you have time and knowledge it would be a fun addition.
One idea is to add a BT/WIFi module to the GW or a sensor and use that as com-link to the sensor network from phone.
Unless you go for the controller options available (where some of them offer phone apps to control sensor already).