2gang in wall dimmer with touch sensors
I would like to present you my latest project - 2 gang dimmer to be placed in wall (EU) with livolo panel on top of it. Works with standard light bulbs and dimmable leds
sorry fot the panel condition - it wen throuhg a lot
in short:
220v to 3v3 power supply
printable case
zero-cross detection
ttp223 touch sensors
1.2A per dimm channel
ws2812b RGB ledand some pictures:
Interesting! Can you share some more details? I'm particularly interested in you power supply.
Powersupply is rather simple chinese one:
Nice project!
I'm working on a partially similar solution as wellhopefully it will be ready to release in the next weeks.
In my setup I did not change the top board but reprogrammed the PIC MCU instead to be able to interface properly with my replaced controller board at the bottom.What did you use on your top board at the touch sensing section? I'm interested in the plastic stuff.
I would be interested in the project, it is still working
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