Adaptive sleep time
I am looking into a way to proportionally increase the sleep time as the voltage of the battery/supercap decreases. I have tried with map function but I think I messed up and getting weird results. I am looking for suggestions to make something flexible that can be set to a minimum sleep time and a max. At the moment a made something that works in fixed steps but it is not very elegant nor very flexible
@gohan At first approach, I would say the map function should be the way to go.. what is it that it's working weird?
Would it be possible to divide the sleeptime with the voltage? As the voltage is getting lower the sleeptime will be higher?
Start with a number that after dividing sems good. Then it will automatically increase when voltage decrease.
@manutremo I don't have the code with me, but if you are kind enough could you post a map function that you think could work.
@gohan If I understood correctly what you are trying to achieve, do you think this could work?
#define VOLT_MAX 3.7 #define VOLT_MIN 3.0 #define SLEEP_MAX 100000 #define SLEEP_MIN 10000 void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: float v,p,s; v=3.5; // Result from volt reading routine p=(v-VOLT_MIN)/(VOLT_MAX-VOLT_MIN); p=constrain(p, 0, 100); s=map(p, 0, 100, SLEEP_MAX, SLEEP_MIN); sleep (s, true); // true for smartsleep, false if otherwise }
Thanks a lot, I'll look at it in the next days. Today I woke up at 5 am and returned home at 8pm... My neurons are not very cooperative at the moment
@gohan so it's actually you who needs a set sleep time based on energy levels?