veralite ui5 not seeing distance sensor in 1.4
ok here is problem added distance sketch from my sensors and when included, plugin saw 2 devices, node1 and distance 1.
both boxes are blank as well as my sensors plugin box
Have been using temp/humidity successfully for the last few weeks. After including new device allboxes ( distance,temp,hum,and plugin) are there but blank.
Using veralite ui5, lib 1.4 and issue 1.4
I have tried with only distance deleting the temp portion and reinstalling plugin and including with same results. reverting back to both units gave the same results?
I have included pic .
Is there something I missed and need to do with the gw? or new node?It is on a pro mini 5v clone with3 v regulator for radio and seemed to compile correctly and uploaded with no problems
any ideas
Did you upload the Distance device files?
Thanks @hek!
Another problem solved for the rookie!
all sensors are good now thanks! @hek