Raspberry Pi gateway and controller in one
Has anyone successfully installed Home Assistant on a RPi and used the same pi as a Mysensors Gateway with a NRF module attached to the Pi?
This should be pretty easy. Install your Home Assistant, then follow the pi gateway instructions. Shouldn't have any issues with it conflicting.
Home Assistant or HASS.IO?
I haven't installed Home Assistant but I have openhab and the gateway running on the same raspberry pi.
HA should't be any different.
Normal HA is ok, the problem is hass.io
Yes, I have.
This is how I configured things:https://github.com/oneyb/rpi-embed-dev/blob/master/install-mysensors-gateway-raspberry.yaml
Ok cool, thanks for the replys. I will give it a go and see how i get on
@crankycoder Any advice on how? HA is running on my raspberry Pi and I can access it just fine. How can I make it a gateway as well? The first step is to log in to my raspberry but I can only log in via HA. Any advice?
SSH will get you into your pi. If your pi has a wifi connection and ssh enabled, the following should work.
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
ive got openhab and gateway so shouldn't be a problem with hass 0_1577584196725_IMG_20191226_024628.jpg