livolo us standart currnt low .

  • 3_1548987009570_IMG_7793.JPG 2_1548987009570_IMG_7792.JPG 1_1548987009570_IMG_7791.JPG 0_1548987009569_IMG_7790.JPG

    i work on project with a livolo us standart(arduino 8MHZ 3.3V , nRF24L01). i have a problem to drive the arduino because the currnt from the high voltage side is too low for drive the arduino . please help me!

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  • This is the $64,000 question. I've seen discussions about it, but no solution. You could build a separate power supply that floats on the ac like the built in one, they work by leaking a small amount of current and can cause flickering, especially with LED lights. Two supplies double the chance of flickering.

    If your arduino can spend most of its time sleeping, you might be able to charge a battery or supercap to run it.

    There is a lot out there on lowering power consumption on arduinos, remove LEDs, lower clock speed, etc. Maybe a bare bones chip, with just the connections you need.


    Use optocouplers to connect the arduino to the livolo, and use a normal power supply for the arduino.

  • Thank you very much and i am sorry for asking this question agin.

  • @naty6458 no need to be sorry. I keep hoping there is a better answer than what I found, and each time it is asked I learn something, so there is at least one person that is happy you asked.

    My plan is optocouplers, maybe a rechargeable coin cell to help power them. I want to connect to the pins for the rf receiver. I should be able to send the same code the remote uses to turn it on and off. Since I wont be sending codes often the coin cell should be fully charged most of the time, so the low capacity (~23mah) shouldn't cause a problem, unless someone flicks the lights on and off repeatedly.

    I'll power the arduino/rs485 module separately.

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