Sensor suddenly stopped working

  • For almost a year I have had code similar to this running without issues at all

    // Enable and select radio type attached
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    #define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_MAX
    #define MY_RF24_DATARATE RF24_250KBPS
    #define MY_RF24_CHANNEL 84
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <MySensors.h>
    #include <SoftwareSerialInverted.h>
    #include <avr/wdt.h>
    // Kamstrup registers
    word const kamnums[] = { 0x0001,0x03ff,0x041e,0x041f,0x0420,0x0002,0x0434,0x0435,0x0436,0x0438,0x0439,0x043a };
    char* kamstrings[]   = { "Energy in","Current Power","Voltage p1","Voltage p2","Voltage p3","Energy out","Current p1","Current p2","Current p3","Power p1","Power p2","Power p3" };
    #define KAMNUMREGS 12
    // Units
    char*  units[65] = {"","Wh","kWh","MWh","GWh","j","kj","Mj",
            "mm:dd","","bar","RTC","ASCII","m3 x 10","ton x 10","GJ x 10","minutes","Bitfield",
    // Pin definitions
    #define PIN_KAM_RX 7  // D7 to Kamstrup IR interface RX
    #define PIN_KAM_TX 6  // D6 to Kamstrup IR interface TX
    // Kamstrup optical IR serial
    #define KAMTIMEOUT 300  // Kamstrup timeout after transmit
    #define KAMBAUD 9600    // Kamstrup baud rate
    SoftwareSerial kamSer(PIN_KAM_RX, PIN_KAM_TX, true);  // Initialize serial
    #define Energy_In  1   // Energy in
    #define Energy_Out 2   // Energy out
    #define Power      3   // Current Power
    #define Power_P1   4   // Power P1
    #define Power_P2   5   // Power P2
    #define Power_P3   6   // Power P3
    #define Voltage_P1 7   // Voltage P1
    #define Voltage_P2 8   // Voltage P2
    #define Voltage_P3 9   // Voltage P3
    #define Current_P1 10  // Current P1
    #define Current_P2 11  // Current P2
    #define Current_P3 12  // Current P3
    #define Max_Power  13  // Max Power
    void setup() {
      // setup pins
    void loop() {
      Serial.println("-- Aflæser Kamstrup Elmåler --");  
      for (int kreg = 0; kreg < KAMNUMREGS; kreg++) {
    // kamReadReg - read a Kamstrup register
    void kamReadReg(unsigned short kreg) {
      byte recvmsg[30];  // buffer of bytes to hold the received data
      float rval;        // this will hold the final value
      // prepare message to send and send it
      byte sendmsg[] = { 0x3f, 0x10, 0x01, (kamnums[kreg] >> 8), (kamnums[kreg] & 0xff) };
      kamSend(sendmsg, 5);
      // listen if we get an answer
      unsigned short rxnum = kamReceive(recvmsg);
      // check if number of received bytes > 0 
      if(rxnum != 0){
        // decode the received message
        rval = kamDecode(kreg,recvmsg);
        // print out received value to terminal (debug)
        Serial.print(": ");
        Serial.print(" ");
    // kamSend - send data to Kamstrup meter
    void kamSend(byte const *msg, int msgsize) {
      // append checksum bytes to message
      byte newmsg[msgsize+2];
      for (int i = 0; i < msgsize; i++) { newmsg[i] = msg[i]; }
      newmsg[msgsize++] = 0x00;
      newmsg[msgsize++] = 0x00;
      int c = crc_1021(newmsg, msgsize);
      newmsg[msgsize-2] = (c >> 8);
      newmsg[msgsize-1] = c & 0xff;
      // build final transmit message - escape various bytes
      byte txmsg[20] = { 0x80 };   // prefix
      int txsize = 1;
      for (int i = 0; i < msgsize; i++) {
        if (newmsg[i] == 0x06 or newmsg[i] == 0x0d or newmsg[i] == 0x1b or newmsg[i] == 0x40 or newmsg[i] == 0x80) {
          txmsg[txsize++] = 0x1b;
          txmsg[txsize++] = newmsg[i] ^ 0xff;
        } else {
          txmsg[txsize++] = newmsg[i];
      txmsg[txsize++] = 0x0d;  // EOF
      // send to serial interface
      for (int x = 0; x < txsize; x++) {
    // kamReceive - receive bytes from Kamstrup meter
    unsigned short kamReceive(byte recvmsg[]) {
      byte rxdata[50];  // buffer to hold received data
      unsigned long rxindex = 0;
      unsigned long starttime = millis();
      kamSer.flush();  // flush serial buffer - might contain noise
      byte r;
      // loop until EOL received or timeout
      while(r != 0x0d){
        // handle rx timeout
        if(millis()-starttime > KAMTIMEOUT) {
          Serial.println("Timed out listening for data");
          return 0;
        // handle incoming data
        if (kamSer.available()) {
          // receive byte
          r =;
          if(r != 0x40) {  // don't append if we see the start marker
            // append data
            rxdata[rxindex] = r;
      // remove escape markers from received data
      unsigned short j = 0;
      for (unsigned short i = 0; i < rxindex -1; i++) {
        if (rxdata[i] == 0x1b) {
          byte v = rxdata[i+1] ^ 0xff;
          if (v != 0x06 and v != 0x0d and v != 0x1b and v != 0x40 and v != 0x80){
            Serial.print("Missing escape ");
          recvmsg[j] = v;
          i++; // skip
        } else {
          recvmsg[j] = rxdata[i];
      // check CRC
      if (crc_1021(recvmsg,j)) {
        Serial.println("CRC error: ");
        return 0;
      return j;
    // kamDecode - decodes received data
    float kamDecode(unsigned short const kreg, byte const *msg) {
      // skip if message is not valid
      if (msg[0] != 0x3f or msg[1] != 0x10) {
        return false;
      if (msg[2] != (kamnums[kreg] >> 8) or msg[3] != (kamnums[kreg] & 0xff)) {
        return false;
      // decode the mantissa
      long x = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < msg[5]; i++) {
        x <<= 8;
        x |= msg[i + 7];
      // decode the exponent
      int i = msg[6] & 0x3f;
      if (msg[6] & 0x40) {
        i = -i;
      float ifl = pow(10,i);
      if (msg[6] & 0x80) {
        ifl = -ifl;
      // return final value
      return (float )(x * ifl);
    // crc_1021 - calculate crc16
    long crc_1021(byte const *inmsg, unsigned int len){
      long creg = 0x0000;
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        int mask = 0x80;
        while(mask > 0) {
          creg <<= 1;
          if (inmsg[i] & mask){
            creg |= 1;
          if (creg & 0x10000) {
            creg &= 0xffff;
            creg ^= 0x1021;
      return creg;

    Suddenly a month ago the sensor stopped working.
    The sensor is an IR interface to an electrical meter.

    Now the TX diode is lit continously, and not blinking as intended.
    NOTHING have changed - no updates or new connections.

    When commenting out #include <MySensors.h> the TX diode is blinking as intended.
    What on earth have happend, and how do I get it back to a working order?

    (The code above is my test code, it does NOT return anything to MySensors, it is solely for testing the IR head)

    Any input to resolving this is appreciated.

  • Mod

    @blackchart maybe the radio died. That happened to me a few times.

  • @blackchart If the node was working and now it isn't then it is most likely hardware related.

    A power surge or static discharge can have bad effects. Also, check every connection (even if it looks secure) and look at any solder joints under magnification. Clean contacts with isopropyl alcohol.

    Also, test the power supply to the node. Measure voltage and if possible try another power supply to eliminate that as a possible source of the problem.

    Swapping out parts one at a time can help quickly find issue. I assume gateway has not been reprogrammed recently?

    Has anything moved in the building? Furniture changes or moving etc..... It can have an effect.

  • To rule out hardware I have, today, flashed a brand new Pro Mini with same test code.
    Build a brand new sensor, out of brand new parts.
    Wired the same way (excluding the radio for now) and the sensor does the same 😞

    I'm totally confused about this - I don't get why it worked with the same layout/code and now it doesn't anymore 😞
    If it wasn't because I have a database with the last years readings, I'd think I was full of nonsense.

  • @skywatch no changes what so ever.
    And I can say that's 100% certain - I have been down with a broken knee and have been bound to bed up until now. That's why I haven't researced this error until now.

    I started by rebooting the gateway (I could do that remote, from the bed), when I first noticed the data was lacking.

  • Oh - and a side note as it seems to have slipped between the lines.

    I'm testing with the module on USB power, and the IR LED it always ON - it should only be on in small bursts when transmitting.
    And the second I disable MySensors library the sensor behaves like it is supposed to do.

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