@OldSurferDude Thanks for the tips. I've download Tasmota and have it running on an Wemos Mini. Have it turning on and off a virtual switch. Maybe Mqtt soon...
Thanks, I'll keep this in mind if I decide to debug it. I realized that I am also tired of patching the gateway through to the doctor container inside an LXC so now I am looking at creating an esp gateway.
Just need to check if I can find a pcb on here.
Thanks again!
@OldSurferDude jus request counter states from controller on each reset, worked fine with Domoticz...
or save in eeprom but increase location every write, on power up/reset search eeprom for largest value stored and carry on from that location, one long integer will fit 256 times in atmega328(p) eeprom, is that long enough for you ?