Newbie question : how to toggle a led with MQTT

  • Hardware Contributor


    I am newbie with Mysensors and iot world. So I am reading a lot actually. I am trying to do basics tests for learning. So my confiuration is

    • MySensors lib 1.4, all arduino nano, nrf24
    • Gateway : I use the MQTT broker gateway
    • for debugging MQTT, I use MQTTLens (maybe there is a better tool)

    My first test was using just one node with a DHT11. I am able to read the infos in MQTTLens.

    Now I am trying to toggle a led with MQTT.
    So, I removed the DHT11, and connected a led. I verified that hardware is ok by using a simple blink led sketch.
    I am using the MySensors relay example.

    1. I added this line in Setup(). Is it ok?
      gw.request(sensor, V_LIGHT,0);

    2. Here is my problem, maybe a silly question, but I am learning so
      in MQTTLens, what command must I send ?? Is it in the subscribe or publish field? I thought that subscribe was just for receiving and publish for sending info. Maybe not?

    In subscribe field, if I do MyMQTT/20/1/V_LIGHT my Led toggle on. But How to toggle off?
    I think I do not understand how MQTT works yet but I will get it!

    Thanks for your help I hope my english is not too bad...
    Have a good day.

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  • at 1) The RelaisActor sketch works out of the box. There is nothing to add. (I think 🙂 )
    at 2) You are right. I don't know "MQTTLens" (I use MQTTfx) but it should be another Input Field for the payload. "1" means Relais on, "0" means off.

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