Sensor to detect marijuana vape/smoke

  • So, I'm allergic to pot, to where I get anaphylaxis. This past year, I've had a few sudden reactions that have sent me to the hospital, from neighbors smoking close enough to the air intake, and from my teenaged niece that lives with me (who has thought that simply spraying enough perfume to cover it would make it ok). I was hoping to find a sensor that could detect it, because if I wait to when I can smell it then it is too late to stop a reaction.

    Anyone able to point me in a direction?

  • Sounds like a challenging problem. Maybe an air quality sensor would help? I don't know if pot smoke would trigger one of those at the levels you are concerned about. The BME680 is supposed to be a good sensor for air quality. I haven't used it, and some others on this site have not been that impressed. See this thread:

    Maybe look at some law enforcement sites to see if there is anything they use (besides dogs : ).

  • @Hellmark I have a sensor with a dust sensor, and it detects sigarette smoke pretty well.
    I use it in my RV and act on the fairing vents.

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