Debug shows "Check Wires" but everything appears fine

  • Having a strange issue while trying to setup a motion sensor node. The debug shows "check wires" and nothing works. I've double checked the wiring and it appears fine so I swapped the NRF radio for a new one and the same "check wires" message appears. I assume the MySensors library displays this when there is an error communicating with the NRF radio, so to test I uploaded a simple sketch to print the radio details and it worked fine, so I don't think there is any issues with the radio (or am I wrong in assuming this?). At a loss here, still pretty new to the MySensors stuff, but I THINK I've covered my basics here and not sure what to try next...
    Is there a way to enable printing the NRF debug to do any further troubleshooting in that regard?

  • I'm having the same problem

    already checked everything but still geting the "check wires" message

    can you share the sketch to test radio please

    BTW I'm using a pro mini 5V and using a regulator (LD33CV)


  • @otolosa super simple sketch that just prints the radio details:

    #include <SPI.h>
    #include "nRF24L01.h"
    #include "RF24.h"
    #include "printf.h"
    RF24 radio(9,10);
    void setup(void)
      // Dump the configuration of the rf unit for debugging
    void loop(void)

    I saw another post from 5 months ago appear at the top today where some were having an issue with the NRF+ radios actually reporting as NON-plus versions. I thought that might have been it, but thats not the case for me, when I print the radio details, it DOES show up as a + which just leaves me even more baffled.


  • Hero Member

    @Bradley-A It may be a power issue. Do you have a capacitor installed across the radio power terminals? How are you powering the Arduino? What type of Arduino is it?


  • @Bradley-A was me who replied on that topic....looking for some answer.

    unfortunately my radio is reported as non + 😞 (it has the +on the chip)

    Model = nRF24L01

    i have 3 more radios working fine ...already switched with working ones....but still same result.

    the only difference is they are working with 2 Nanos and 1 Uno, all conected to the arduino 3v3 pin. In the pro mini case, i had to use a 3v regulator, I checked voltage was ok, but still having "check wires error"

    Guess I must find a + radio to use with this pro mini

  • @Sparkman I'm using an Arduino Pro Mini 5v, using a 10uF capacitor. I have tried without the cap as well and swapping the cap completely with a new one, but no change. Using a 7133A regulator, this is the only thing different in this setup vs my working nodes (working nodes are using a 78L33A), but have confirmed that the NRF has 3.3v directly at the board. I could swap it out with a known working 78L33A just to rule out power though as I have not done that yet (was trying to avoid rewiring due to different pinout). Being powered through a USB 3 port which SHOULD be capable up to 0.9a (on paper anyway, though I've had issues with power output before) but I have tested with an external 5v power supply (2 amp) with no difference.

    EDIT: CRAP... it WAS indeed a power issue... wired up the 78L33A and it worked right away. Feel pretty stupid now. Damn. What is the max draw on these NRF radios during transmit?? Looks like I have a whole bag of 7133A regulators that wont be of any use to me lol

  • Hero Member

    @Bradley-A Glad to hear you got it resolved. I'll have to avoid using 7133A's then 😉 What are the specs on the 7133A for max current? Are you using the regular radios or the ones with the PA?


  • @Sparkman said:

    @Bradley-A Glad to hear you got it resolved. I'll have to avoid using 7133A's then 😉 What are the specs on the 7133A for max current? Are you using the regular radios or the ones with the PA?


    Off memory, I believe it was 20 or 30mA. I might have to pull up a spec sheet to double check, but that sounds about right. The 78L33A is 100mA, so definitely higher output. As I was sitting here thinking about it though, with the capacitor being on the output side (closest to NRF) it should have been able to handle higher bursts when the radio was trying to transmit should it have not? 😕

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