Working gateway ?
I buy 5 sensebender cards and NRF24L01+ modules (from electrodragon) and 1 NRF24 amplfied
With my UNO and amplified or not version it doesn't work well (lot of st:fail).
I had capacitor (10uF) on each NRF Board, try external 3.3V but it always working bad.
So I try with Pro micro (5V 16Mhz Version) but It doesn't work. Controller try a "Get version" but no answer from ProMicro. I change CE an CS pin to 2/3 on ProMicro (I read on some forums it doesn't work with 9/10) and change init code but doesnt work too ... Any advice ?
@Fabien, regarding the 'st:fail' . How are you powering UNO and Radio? Some very cheap phone chargers may introduce a lot of noise on power that even a big capacitor can not handle...
So i try with 2 AA battery for powering radio on gateway. Same about 50% of st:fail. Powering arduino from 2A power supply. At oscilliscope, using spectrum analyzer nothing to report on 3.3V and 5V. Pehaps dupont cable ?
How far are the node from the gateway? Any wall or obstacle in between?
about 2 meters with no obstacle
Do you have different radios to try with?
yes with 5 radios and 1 amplified version !
are those 5 radios from the same batch?
have you seen this forum thread
Might be cheap NRF24 clones you've got..
Ok so where can I buy good nrf ?
Actually all my componment and modules comes from electrodragon without any problem.
Ok I try now with only few centimeters and PA_LOW on gateway and it doesn't work well....
Now I just try with another sensebender with radio directly solder on board and it work fine with no st:fail. radio was previously tested on the first board with lot of st:fail. I will chek the first board, perhaps bad solder or problem with adaptater.
I bought the latest batch of NRF modules from itead, together with my sensebender pcb's. It should be genuine NRF chips they use.
ok for my next xenebender batch I will buy NRF together. And now I confirm the problem with bad contact (with my finger it works fine !!!. I will directly solder NRF to sensebernder tomorrow. Strange, my solders seems to be fine and I made it all one mmore time but same problem.
I will let the new sensbender online all the night. I will check tomorow my grafana input !