Possible Hardware problem, Nano

  • I received my Nano today and proceeded to try to connect it and run the blink test. I went through all of the preliminary steps the other day including installing the ide, and creating the vera device. Basically everything I thought I could do without the nano. Today, I plugged in the nano to the serial port on my windows 8.1 laptop and it went through the process of installing the drivers on com3. When I plugged the nano into the serial port, the green power light came on, and the yellow light next to it is blinking. I continued on trying to see if a future step would fix it and I went through the instructions for the blink sketch. This appeared to work as far as getting the other two lights to blink, but the yellow light is still blinking about once per second. If I hit the little reset button, it stops for a bit and then resumes. I must add that I didn't realize that I was going to need a radio attached and so I ordered those for a longer term delivery. I have disconnected the nano, reinserted it, and the light still blinks. Will the radio resolve something? So then I went on to install the serial gateway. When I attempt to upload that sketch, I get an error that highlights - Gateway gw(9, 10, INCLUSION_MODE_TIME, INCLUSION_MODE_PIN, 6, 5, 4); and a message that says 'gateway does not name a type' and further down it says scope SerialGateway:108: error: 'inputString' was not declared in this scope Can anyone give me a clue for what to do? Do I need the radio installed to proceed?

  • Admin

    I don't understand what you are trying to fix with the led blink test sketch? If you upload a program to the nano it will still be there after a reset.

    It should compile ok even without the radio.
    Gateway error: Did you follow the install library instructions correctly? I sound like a missing library.

  • @hek Actually, my first problem or think it is a problem is that before uploading anything, just plugging the nano into the serial port, the green light came on solid and the yellow light blinks about once per second. I haven't read anywhere that this was normal. I uploaded the blink sketch and it worked. Still have the yellow light blinking. I will recheck the usb gateway part again, but need to know if I need to resolve the yellow blinking light. thanks

  • Admin


    If I remember correctly the nano/pro mini comes with the blink sketch "onboard". I wouldn't worry much about blinking leds.

  • Thanks. I redownloaded the serialgateway file in the Building a USB-connected Gateway section. I start the ide and go to file/sketchbook/arduino-master/serialgateway. it opens the sketchbook. I click verify and the the following messages. SerialGateway:41: error: 'Gateway' does not name a type
    SerialGateway:44: error: 'MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH' was not declared in this scope
    SerialGateway.ino: In function 'void setup()':
    SerialGateway:50: error: 'gw' was not declared in this scope
    SerialGateway:57: error: 'MsTimer2' has not been declared
    SerialGateway:58: error: 'MsTimer2' has not been declared
    SerialGateway:60: error: 'PCintPort' has not been declared
    SerialGateway.ino: In function 'void loop()':
    SerialGateway:66: error: 'gw' was not declared in this scope
    SerialGateway.ino: In function 'void startInclusionInterrupt()':
    SerialGateway:73: error: 'gw' was not declared in this scope
    SerialGateway.ino: In function 'void ledTimersInterrupt()':
    SerialGateway:77: error: 'gw' was not declared in this scope
    SerialGateway.ino: In function 'void checkSerialInput()':
    SerialGateway:84: error: 'gw' was not declared in this scope
    SerialGateway:84: error: 'inputString' was not declared in this scope
    SerialGateway.ino: In function 'void serialEvent()':
    SerialGateway:102: error: 'MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH' was not declared in this scope
    SerialGateway:104: error: 'inputString' was not declared in this scope
    SerialGateway:108: error: 'inputString' was not declared in this scope

    I promise to improve quickly, I just need a base to build on. thanks

  • Admin

    You did not install all the supplied Arduino IDE libraries. Please follow the link I posted above for instructions.

  • got it, thanks. I was including the folder arduino-master in the path. thanks!

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