Air conditioning/HVAC control - work in progress
Following this instructable, I decided to invest 3$ in a 1000 in 1 remote (
I ordered two kinds but this one was much better then the other one (i.e it worked
Soldering to the copper lines the way the kid did in the instructable proved to be problematic (at least for me) and I ended up soldering to the contacts of the pressure sensitive pads. At first I thought to use it without LCD but ended up with it as otherwise I don't know what is the current setting.
It actually work!!! I can turn my AC on and off!!! a dream comes true!!!
However, turning it on will bring it to one preset. this is not too bad - I actually want only to heat the bedrooms before kids go there and turn off the ac that they left on....Here is a nude photo:
I know there are some sharp eyed people in this forum, so yes, in the photo the remote is just powered by the arduino, i tested first by giving the transistor 5v manually.
I have ordered 4 more of this remote and will do a cleaner work on the soldering
Nice hack. Incredible to get a LCD remote for $3 .