How do I send a REST command?
Hi I just managed to integrate my first switch into domoticz. If I flick the switch it gets updated correctly in domotiz, and now I want to send a REST command witch look like this whenever the switch is switched:
"PUT{udn} The body should be "application/json" as {"STATE": true } "
How do I do this? I guess i need to write a script somehow and place it in the right folder and then specifying it under the switch options.
But I have no idea of how to write a script for this.
An example of using the Domoticz api over http would be¶m=switchlight&idx=99&switchcmd=On
Not sure where you got your info from but the API is detailed here.
Domoticz API
But will that send a PUT command? And where do I enter the body info:{"STATE": true }
What are you trying to archieve with this? What is the receiving end?
I think you can send your "ajax call" from lua script with os.execute method using curl if you are in linux enviroment.
commandArray = {} if (devicechanged['NameOfYourSwitch'] == 'On') then os.execute('/usr/bin/curl -X PUT -d STATE=true{udn}') else if(devicechanged['NameOfYourSwitch'] == 'Off') then os.execute('/usr/bin/curl -X PUT -d STATE=false{udn}') end return commandArray
And give it a name with prefix: script_device_xxxxxxx.lua where xxxxxxx is name for your script. Then domoticz will launch it everytime some device state changes. Location for it is script/lua under your domoticz folder.