Need ideas how to control radiators
This project of mine pretty much has one major use case.
Total automation of all radiators in the house.
The hardware to do this is quite simple, a triac controlled by an Arduino + nRF and a separate temperature sensor located on the wall with its own Arduino + nRF.
I have eight radiators I want to control. I might have eight temperature sensor or have one that controls two radiators. That is not yet decides.
I have a mysensors gateway (TCP/IP connected) linked to a Vera Edge.What I need?
I need help with the design or ideas how to realize this. Do you have any ideas? See my details below. Assume the hardware exist already, what I need is ideas of how to connect everything.I want to control each radiator or group of radiators. Eg.
In one room I might want:06.00-08-00 I want 22C
08.00-17.00 I want 16C
17.00-23.00 I want 22C
23.00-06.00 I want 16CAnd different in other room and on weekends some other setting.
Where should this logic be? Should the temperature sensor have this logic or should the Vera have this logic. Is that doable with already existing plugins? If logic in the temperature sensor, how could this data be set? By Vera or do I need an other way of setting the data in the sensor memory (separate webinterface / MYSController or from a LCD with buttons (self developed))
I would also be able to temporarely override current settings like if temp currently is 16C I want to set it to 22C manually till next fixed intervall gets active. Any ideas about this?
The current room temperature should be visible in a smart way, Vera dashboard (and possibly on a LCD on the sensor). I guess this is the easiest thing. All that already exists.
Its daily usage must be wife-friendly as well...
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