Not able to get radio working on mega2560

  • I have tried bot the long range and normal radios. Everything works fine when connected to an Uno but I only see "radio init fail" on the mega2560.

    Some of thes radios are NRF24L01 instead of the NRF24L01+ but I ma able to get them all working on the Uno. I have changed the power setting and data refresh rates but that has no affect.

    I saw a post saying the pins should be different on the mega but I ma not sure if that is true and I am having a hard time searching and finding that post.

    If anybody has suggestions I would appreciate them.

  • @bpair the SPI pins are different on a mega (see here)

    MISO - 50
    MOSI - 51
    SCK - 52
    SS - 53

    I have a node on a mega and its working fine with the following pins

    MISO - 50
    MOSI - 51
    SCK - 52

    CE - 9
    CS - 10

    CE and CS are configurable in MySensors Library


  • thanks. it is working now.

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