Powering problem with nano and 4 relays

  • Hi

    Can anyone help me with my relay control?

    I can't control my relays without my arduino nano is connected by USB to PC or power supply.

    In the setup i already have an 5V 1A power supply connected.

    Skærmbillede 2015-11-23 kl. 21.59.07.png


  • Admin

    The fritzling looks ok.

    Speculating: Could it for some reason pull too much from the gpios when controlling the relays?
    If you have a multimeter, measure the current on one of the gpios, when turning on a relay.

  • Hardware Contributor

    Try running relay-ground through the arduino and not directly to source gnd?

  • @hek The currunt is 0,002A from arduino pin4 to IN2 on the relay board

    @sundberg84 Din't work with the GND from the arduino

    Update it will only work when it's connected USB to the PC with the monitor program and remove the jumper on the relay board (JD-VCC - VCC current 0,308A).

  • I think you should start by measuring voltage across VCC and GND on your Arduino pins when USB is not connected. On a lot of these breadboards "GND" and "VCC" rails are not connected the whole "width". Its not unusual that VCC is separated into two rails. Sometimes both VCC and GND are separated in the center of the rails.

    Of course I can't see your actual setup but if it looks something like that image it can be a good idea to check connections between DC-plug and VCC/GND on you Arduino.

    Worth a try.

  • @peka VCC and GND on arduino is 5,337V and from Pin 3-6 to IN1-4 i messurt 4,3V

    Update i can trigger the relay when i remove the jumper

    A picture of my setup:

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