Barometer (pressure sensor) display incorrectly in UI7
just created and installed new barometer sensor (sketch used from Also installed additional files for Barometer (pressure sensor) from github (UI7). But information displayed is incorrect or better to say i have additional line displayed:
"Il faudrait une police plus petite1002stable".Is anybody can help me to fix this issue. Also my language not french and system setting configured with english language.
Maybe plugin broken ? if so - what i can fix ?
What.. french? Well there is no french in the MySensors files.
Here screenshot ;-(
I actually don't have the slightest idea where that text is coming from.
I found where the problem - "lang_tag: pressure" somehow has been translated to "Il faudrait une police plus petite".
So i fixed this issue and partially rewrite JSON for barometer. Now it completely compatible with UI7 (old UI5 tags have been changed to UI7 tags.).for those who are interested a brief explanation:
UI7 firmware:** 1.7.1598**
Device json: attached.
Device icon will be changed depends from forecast value (all values are supported). Below screenshots:
@hek is it possible to update git repo with fixed version ?
Also, could somebody can test it on a different UI7 FW ? Do i need to fix/improve something else ?
JSON itself.
Yea, a pull request (agains the UI7 branch) on github would be awesome.
I ran across this post while searching for a solution to the "Il faudrait une police plus petite1002stable" problem.
While the new json file has worked, I am not clear on how the different symbols and forecasts are incorporated into Vera, as mine continuously displays only the temperature icon with the pressure.
Is this something that has to be addressed within the arduino sketch?
Hi, I've created a pull request for this: