Server won't start
Hello to everyone, sorry for the trouble but i need to improve my linux knowledge so
I have an Raspberry Pi 2 with noobs installed
Typing on console " type -p java " the response is :/usr/bin/java
Typing on console " java -version " the response is :
java version "1.8.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-b132)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.0-b70, mixed mode)All seem to be right but when i try to start server typing sh -x ./ i get this :
- USER_LOCATION=/usr/mycontroller/bin
- dirname ./
- cd .
- HEAP_MIN=-Xms8m
- HEAP_MAX=-Xmx40m
- MC_VERSION=0.0.2-alpha6
- CONF_LOG_FILE=../conf/logback.xml
- type -p java
-p: not found
java is /usr/bin/java - [[ -n ]]
./ 39: ./ [[: not found - echo java is not installed in our machine
java is not installed in our machine - [[ ]]
./ 45: ./ [[: not found - cd /usr/mycontroller/bin
I will be enjoyed if someone could help me
Not sure where you got sh -x from but try bash -x instead. The start script requires bash.
@bruseisi have you tried with?