Apex-Ademco-Honeywell D6100 Alarm interface
This is a MySensor program to control, interface with an APEX Destiny 6100(AN) Alarm panel. This is an older alarm panel, but its capability exceed what can be found on current Honeywell-Ademco panels.
Apex was bought by Ademco who was bought by Honeywell. Its is NOT compatible with current Honeywell-Ademco panels, but has the framework to be adapted.
My system has 63 active zones, most are using wireless Ademco-5800 series sensors
It read's and parses serial data from the alarm and format them into MySensor messages.
This is running on a MoteinoMEGA, and connect to the D6100 via a TTL serial interface
Radio is 915MHz RFM69HW
Tested with MySensor 2.0.0 beta
Tested with D6100 firmware 8.07https://github.com/trlafleur/Sensor_D6100