How to generate schematic from a mysensor BRD file?
I'm interested in this PCB from OSH Park, which looks like it would make a great mysensors node:, it's just a board file, with no schematic or other documentation, and there's not even much silk screening on the board itself. Aside from that, it looks very nice!
I'm a day 0 newbie on learning Eagle, but already it's clear that Eagle seems to go from schematic to board layout, not the other way. Nonetheless, is there some way to generate a schematic from the BRD file?
@NeverDie I'm not sure but I think you can't. but maybe I'm wrong and there is something, but I think there may be some missing info.
btw I guess this is the cute board from @Gertsanders you're searching for
Thanks! I definitely like V1's compact size (0.8in x 0.9in). Are there any mysensor nodes smaller than that, or is it currently the smallest? The Sensebender is also fairly compact (0.69in x 1.18in), although its effective thickness is much greater because of the way a traditional non-SMT NRF24L01+ gets stacked on it using a header.