Problem to integrate a BinarySwitchSensor

i go insane... what is wrong... it dont work!
I'm going crazy
(moved from the "Bug reports" category to "Pimatic". This looks pimatic-specific and there is no information about a bug in the post.)
Please specify what doesn't work.
You have debug verbosity on which shows that your sensor on/of signal as such is recognized by pimatic.
Your used class is correct as well.Did you specify the protocol in the mysensors plugin?
{ "plugin": "mysensors", "driver": "serialport", "protocols": "1.5.4", "driverOptions": { "serialDevice": "/dev/ttyUSB0", "baudrate": 115200 } },
The plugin still defaults to the 1.4 protocol.
Edit: Also check Getting started with MySensors in the pimatic forum.
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pimatic • • Dheeraj